Sumerian: Language of the FIRST Civilization!

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Sumer is a civilization that dates back to around 6500 BCE. Because of this, Sumer is considered the first known human civilization. And its language? The Sumerian language is considered to be the oldest recorded language.

But who were the Sumerians? What was their society like? What was their language like?

Some 500,000 artifacts tell us a story of music, love, mythology and beer, and with cuneiform being human's first recorded writing system, we have a surprising look into what Sumerian was like almost 5000 years ago. Enjoy!


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For some strange reason I want to see the movie "The fourth kind" I think it's the only movie where Sumerian is spoken 👽


5:00 It can't be explained, therefore it must be aliens! No wait... It _can_ be explained... therefore it's definitely a lie and must _instead_ be aliens!


The arabic dialect in Iraq contains many sumerian words. Cheers from Iraq.


Some of the Kurdish words, with a Sumerian root have been presented in the below:
Sumerian: A; Kurdish: Aw, Av (Water- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Mî; Kurdish: Mê, Ma (Female, Woman- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Nîta, Nîtah; Kurdish: Nêr, Nêrî (Male, Man- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Ul; Kurdish: Wil (Old Hawrami and Laki Dialects), Gul (Flower- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Gur; Kurdish: Gewre (In Sumerian: Large, High, Deep; In Kurdish: Big, Large)
Sumerian: A-De; Kurdish: Avdan, Awdan (Irrigate, Pour Water- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Zi; Kurdish: Jî, Jê, Jîn, Jîyan (Live, To Live- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Zu; Kurdish: Zan, Zanîn (Know, To Know- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Gud, Guðx, Gu; Kurdish: Ga (Bull, Ox- Exact Same Meaning)
Sumerian: Ur; Kurdish: War, Hewar (Sumerian: City, Place. Area, Land; Kurdish: Place, Homeland, Zone, Area, Land)
There are several other similar words and expressions that can be presented in future, or through further discussions. Furthermore, Sumerian culture, mythology and clothing have impacted Kurdish rituals throughout the history; this comparison would need a comprehensive study of religions, norms, outfit and symbols.


#tamizhi #keezhadi excavation in Tamil Nadu and the artifacts discovered there had similar inscriptions compared to Sumerian and Indus valley civilization and eventually dating back to 600 BC during the first phase of excavation which gives enough proof that Tamil was the language spoken back then, let's wait untill the completion of this project hence this might rewrite the whole history. Sadly the Indian government is not funding enough for this.


Keep up the good work. Language is one vehicle that drove humans to record and study our shared history. Two things close to my heart language and history.


It basically tells about the connection of Sumer and Finno-Ugric and Uralic languages just with lots of different good arguments from many areas of research with scientific backing / methods. Here is Some list of Suomi-Sumer words, Finnish (Suomi) words that that are just like Sumerian words. I found these from a discussion board but I havent yet invested for the books myself. I am sorry that the list is in Finnish, I will some day translate the meanings. Basically it is list of words that have same meaning in Finnish and Sumer and almost same pronouncing (vocal and written). Finnish language doesnt have he/she words, just one word, and no seperate words for prepositions.

I will translate for couple of Words in English, translating the whole list later. Finnish language and Finland is called Suomi by the Finns ourselfs. I use that in the list. This list will just show that the words are very similar, and they are also pronounced the same way (pronounced as written basically):
Sumer: Ar=Deset, Suomi: Aro=Desert
Sumer: amma=mother, Suomi: ämmä=bitch
Sumer:eme=mother, Suomi emo=mother
Sumer:kal/kal-me/kala=Expensive, Suomi kallis=expensive
Sumer: Munuz=Dick, Suomi Muna/Munat=Dick
Sumer:Mes=man, Suomi Mies=Man

And So on... Rest of my list below untranslated

1. Sumerin abba 'isä' -suomen appi
2. Sumerin al 'alhaalla' - suomen ala-, alhaalla, alasti
3. Sumerin amma 'äiti' - suomen ämmä
4. Sumerin ár 'autiomaa' - suomen aro
5. Sumerin badar 'astia' - suomen pata
6. Sumerin be 'päällikkö' - suomen pää
7. Sumerin bil, bíl, bìl 'palaa' - suomen palaa.
8. Sumerin billu 'pilvi' - suomen pilvi .
9. Sumerin bur 'ateria' - suomen puuro.
10. Sumerin bur 'liikkua sinne ja tänne' - suomen purjata
11. Sumerin bur 'savimalja' - suomen purnukka.
12. Sumerin bùru 'tehdä reikä' - suomen pura
13. Suomen dag 'iskeä, takoa' suomen takoa
14. Sumerin di 'tie, tietää' - suomen tie, tietää
15. Sumerin eme 'äiti' - suomen emo
16. Sumerin gal 'jäähtyä' - suomen kylmä
17. Sumerin gala 'laulaa' - suomen kieli
18. Sumerin gidi 'totella, käskeä, rukoilla' - suomen kiittää.
19. Sumerin gùd 'talo, pesä', suomen kota, koti
20. Sumerin gu-éš 'lanka, köysi' - suomen köysi.
21. Sumerin gul 'tuhota' - suomen kuolla
22. Sumerin gul 'juosta' - suomen kulkea
23. Sumerin gun 'maa' - suomen kunta
24. Sumerin hab 'paha haju' - suomen hapan
25. Sumerin inim 'puhe, älykkyys' - suomen nimi.
26. Sumerin kabta 'tiilentekomuotti' - suomen kaava
27. Sumerin kad 'solmia' - suomen kutoa
28. Sumerin kal, kal-me, kala 'kallis' - suomen kallis.
29. Sumerin kalam 'Sumerin maa' - suomen kylä.
30. Sumerin kar 'karata' - suomen karata
31. Sumerin kíšim 'käsi' - suomen käsi.
32. Sumerin kum-ma 'kuuma' - suomen kuuma
33. Sumerin là 'laskea, päästää irti' - suomen laskea.
34. Sumerin lil 'tuuli, tuulenhenkäys' - suomen löyly.
35. Sumerin ma, ma-a 'maa' - suomen maa
36. Sumerin mes 'nuori mies, poika' - suomen mies
37. Sumerin munuz 'muna' - suomen muna.
38. Sumerin mur 'murskata, jauhaa' - suomen murjoa, murskata.
39. Sumerin nir 'sankari', ner 'prinssi' - suomen nero.
40. Sumerin pung 'turvota' - suomen punkki, punkero
41. Sumerin rag-ga 'vulvan kuva' - suomen rako
42. Sumerin ri 'mennä' - suomen rientää
43. Sumerin sá 'mennä' - suomen saapua, saada.
44. Sumerin sá 'nimetä' - suomen sana, sanoa
45. Sumerin sal 'vulva' - suomen syli, sala(inen)
46. Sumerin sar(ra) 'valaista' - suomen sarastaa.
47. Sumerin sil 'silpoa' -suomen silpoa
48. Sumerin sù, su 'huuli' - suomen suu.
49. Sumerin sug 'suo' - suomen suo.
50. Sumerin sun 'alkuhärkä' - suomen sonni.
51. Sumerin šab 'lantio' - suomen häpy
52. Sumerin šab 'hävitä' - suomen hävitä
53. Sumerin šeg 'sika' - suomen sika.
54. Sumerin šu-du-a, šita 'sitoa' - suomen sitoa.
55. Sumerin šul 'sankari, miehekäs' - suomen sulho.
56. Sumerin tag 'pyytää verkolla' - suomen takertua


Studied Sumerian for over two years. Dope language


*hears there aren't any genders* 😍 *hears there are 6 cases* 😔


Proud as an Assyrian to be part of the first civilization at least my ancestors were


Do you believe the Sumerian Language is simile to Tamil Language, There are more evidence available


Good that you emphasize how it is the earliest known language "given the info we have thus far" ... most people in science and education make the mistake of claiming "this is the earliest", "this is the first", etc.. without providing this caveat...


Thank you so much you helped me a lot with my homework


Maybe that's only me, but I want you to know this. I stumbled upon your channel by accident and I like the topics you talk about in your videos. I want to enjoy them, but I can't stand that **POP** sound you are using - it physically prevents me to watch the whole video. I tried lowering the volume, but then I can hardly hear you. It's not just distracting, it's irritating my ears.
Maybe it similar to that yanny-laurel thing, that not everybody hear that, and that's why noone has written anything about this. I just wanted to let you know. Cheers.


Thanks for this valuable information, for I am fascinated by the Mesopotamian Civilizations, particularly Sumer and AKKAD. Bravo!


There are some Georgian linguists who believe that their language is descended from Sumerian, though they're the only ones who really believe it. (From Empires of the Word by Nicholas Ostler)


What happened to the Burgundian and Pictish languages?


Cuneiform and hieroglyphics (only Tamils can decipher it with 100% accuracy as they are speaking that language till today) are both Tamil Language. Uruk itself is a Tamil word. In Tamil it is Uru .Tamil scholars are already deciphering it but I can't share as it is in the Tamil version.


Hi, I like your video series on languages. I wish you had addressed Sumerian word order and had given 1 or 2 examples of their basic sentence structure. For example, if you had mentioned the word order is SOV and a basic sentence is like "Mungu Ateb am" = "My name Ateb is." In a case such as this there seems to be an Indo-iranian link. In modern Persian the same sentence is "Namam Ateb ast." Both Persian and Sumerian have a finite form of the verb "be" that is the morpheme "am". The nasals in the phrase "my name" occur in similar positions.


the tamil word for place/settlement is Ur
one of the sumerian cities was called Ur
the tamil word for sesame is ellu
the sumerian word for sesame is ellu
both tamil and sumerian are agluttinative, and the whole reduplication for plural thing in sumerian happens (very limitedly) in ancient, literary tamil (but not nowadays)
coincidence ?
