30 things I've learned in 30 years

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I've been on this blasted hunk of rock for 30 years now, and I've picked up a couple of tricks along the way. So in this video I go through 30 things I've learned, ranging from washing up to investing to relationships to QGPV. I hope you pick up at least one useful thing! Make sure to comment with your age and the best piece of advice you can give to someone younger than you.

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Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon: Fujia Li, Harry Eakins, Will Tolley, Nafi Iftekhar, Andrew Young, Cody VanZandt, Jesper Koed, David Edwards, Jovana, hennersfl, Federico Ameijenda, Jon Sjöberg, Jack Troup, SexyCaveman , Joe Mickleburgh, KASponland , James Munro, Chrismarie , Oskar Hellström, Sean Richards, Kedar , Julian, Omar Miranda, Alastair Fortune, bitreign33 , Mat Allen, Anne Smith, Colin J. Brown, Princess Andromeda, Leighton Mackenzie, Ethan Fuller, BenDent , Charles Bray, Andy Hartley, Lachlan Woods, Tim Boxall, Dan Hanvey, Simon Donkers, Kodzo , jawad alalasi, James Bridges, Liam , Andrea De Mezzo, Wendover Productions, Kendra Johnson.
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this is really great and wholesome <3


Happy birthday fella. These are actually great tips, many resonated with me. I put 'actually' there because I was surprised you have such wisdom, you hide it well. My body fell to pieces at 30, almost to the day, so in addition to your excellent tips I'd add to look after your physical health in a sustainable way, ie find something fun that's not too strenuous rather than trying to push yourself to the limits or treating it like a chore. Everything is better with regular exercise. And...i didn't think Yesterday was THAT bad. But it sure was bad.


I'm 41 and I still don't feel like I've got my shit together ... best two pieces of advice I can give are:
🔸 Get outside and go for a walk as often as you can, especially if the sun is shining
🔸 The best experiences you'll have are the ones where you push yourself slightly outside your comfort zone.


I turned 30 last month: after giving up and forgetting about my passion for research, I finally started my PhD in linguistics and moved to Finland (from Italy) in the middle of the pandemic.
I truly believed I wasn't worth it and that my life was a complete failure, thus I didn't plan to apply for PhD positions anymore. But then something unexpected happened.
This awful year proved to be the best "new beginning" of my life and I got the job of my dreams right before turning 30. Perfect.
Ps: happy birthday!


1. 1:10 Work less to get more done
2. 1:32 Stuff doesn't get done untill you do it
3. 1:47 Love is a verb, not a state
4. 1:58 Talk to your parents/guardians
5. 2:07 Mental health is just as important as your physical health
6. 2:16 Thin your paint
7. 2:20 Anything you're willing to practice, you can do ~ Bob Ross
8. 2:31 Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance
9. 2:36 Invest in a good pair of shoes and mattress
10. 2:46 Nobody will be remembered forever
11. 2:58 Where and to whom you were born, determents a lot of your potential in this world
12. 3:10 Always check your units
13. 3:22 Frequently review your (progress towards those) goals
14. 3:30 Praise in public, admonish in private
15. 3:34 Always expand your horizons and set new references
16. 3:50 Clear communication is key to basically everything (!)
17. 3:56 Nothing improves the world more than widespread education
18. 4:00 You can't make QGPV from Ertel PV (no idea what this means)
19. 4:11 Doing must come before wanting to do
20. 4:20 Take the time to learn how to wash up properly
21. 4:32 You don't need to keep that Tupperware
22. 4:38 The soul needs music like the body needs food
23. 4:45 I don't need to be better than others at doing things, I just need to be better than I used to be
24. 4:53 Don't watch Yesterday
25. 5:01 Just because someone is older than you, doesn't mean they know better than you
26. 5:10 Trust the data, but verify the source
27. 5:13 Listen to more David Bowie
28. 5:22 Identify how you spend time on your phone, and remove apps that are just a time and energy sink
29. 5:34 If in doubt, ask yourself, what would Captain Picard do?
30. 5:39 Support the things you love


I'm 23 and my best advice it, the more you wait to do something the harder it gets!


As a 23 year old doing his Masters, the one advice I can give is the following:
If you want something, motivation is not relevant.
Plan out what broad steps you have to take, prioritize them, then plan out the most pressing one in detail and order.
Now you have a list of actions, look at your calendar, block time for those action, when you get the reminder: do it.
You have already decided this is what you need to do to achieve your goal and you have decided that you will do this now.
Motivation in not an input for that function.


At 65 I think I’ve managed to avoid every bit of good advice ever available and suffered accordingly.


Best advice from me, a 25 year old: Your feelings are valid inherently because you experienced them (you don't need to externally justify them). Whether you choose to act on them is separate from accepting those feelings.


Happy Birthday! Thanks for a lesson in adulting :)

Also 23 and after studying fulltime and working fulltime for 3 years, I can tell you that when someone insists that something is impossible to handle, they mean it's impossible for them, not for you.


Happy Birthday Simon!
Here is some that I would like to add to the list:
1. Less is more
2. Make bed everyday
3. Good posture make such a difference
4. Speak slower, so you have time to analyze listener's reaction


I haven't watched your videos for quite a while now and I must say your editing skills, your content and your tonation changed so much (for the better). Good job, Simon!


I'm 23 and the best piece of advise I have gotten is you are what you repeatedly do.


I'm 23, and I've felt mentally 50 since I was 14, so I feel like I have a lot of advice to both give and gain. If I had to choose one slither of wisdom to pass along, it would be to tell people when you're not okay. I only started doing this really when I was 22, and boy do I wish I did it more a lot sooner. Friends are as understanding and compassionate as you want them to be, so long as you tell them where you're at. I have always felt lucky to know the people I call my friends, and I think it's an understated beauty of life just how much good you can feel from knowing these wonderful people around you more personally,


I'm Jared, I'm 19 and I never f***ing learned how to read


This is really great Simon.. thanks!
I'm 23. The single, Most important thing I learned is to "Follow what your heart says (ofcourse, unless untill it harms someone).. do what you love.. it may or may not be a correct path. But it's the right path for you, towards happiness and peace.


I'm 22 and I took school too seriously, worked my butt off and got only the best grades. But open receiving these grades I did not feel elation or happiness, only relief followed by bouts of depression. If I were to meet myself at age 13/14 when secondary school began I would have told myself, yes work hard and do well. But also have fun outside of school, try new things/sports. It's ok if you don't get above 90% in every class test or quiz, at the end of the day they don't matter. And carry on that approach further to uni or whatever other next step you take.


Happy birthday! I just turned 35 yesterday, though it is just a number as I'm still doing the same things I did 25 yeas ago, playing PC games!


Happy birthday, Simon! I'm 22 and i think the best advice i've ever gotten is that you should celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Cleaned your room? Great! Went for a short walk? Awesome! Even just waking up and getting out of bed is a victory.

This has personally helped me because i usually have a very negative mindset about a lot of things. By celebrating my own and others' victories i've become a much more positive person overall. Even days where nothing seems to go well i can get something positive out of.


Happy Birthday! I am 23 and my best piece of advice to stop chasing validation even ultimately from people you really want them from. If people care about they will want to see you grow and already value you. On that same vein invest time and energy on people who actually want you around over those that don't. Literally nothing you do will matter to the ones who don't give a shit about you. Yes, that also includes making them jealous
