Opossum Playing Dead

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Meet the Opossum or Possum, they play dead every time they're threatened

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More people should know opossums are beneficial. They eat slugs, snails, grubs, fallen fruits & ticks! They have extra teeth just to LOOK scary, but they are scaredy-cats at heart ❤️


The fact that we are suffering from an epidemic of Lyme's Disease, makes possum a very valuable ally in the war against ticks which carry and transmit Lyme's Disease. I am a survivor of a tick bite which infected me with Lyme's Disease from 35 yrs ago. I was cured 25 years ago in 1997, with 500mg of tetracycline hydrochloride per day for 4 months.


One of the most touching videos I have seen showed a deer standing patiently with lowered head as a possum cleaned it of dozens of blood gorged ticks. They each were thankful.


My buddy has a pet Opossum. His service dog knocked the Oppossum off his fence and injured his tail. My friend gave the Oppossum some first aid and nursed him back to health. So now he has becomed a welcomed guest. My friend didnt keep him as a pet intentionally. He put him back in the yard but he has a doggie door. One morning he woke up and found the dog snggling next to him on one side and the Opossum snuggling the dog. As it turned out its the Opposum and the Dog( a Pitbull) that really hitbit off. Later my friend actually saw the holding the doggie door up for the Opposum. So they kind of hang out and play together all day. It greatly bennificial for the house and the dog because they stay Flea and Tick free and it great for the Oppossum to because he has made friends with a four legged snack machine. The one worry my friend had was if his new friend would pee or poop in the house when he wasnt around. He attempted to litter box train her( yes it was a she). As it turned out that was completely unnecissary as the Opposum whom we have named Karen( shes very friendly but also very nosey) seemed to just know that it would be rude to do her business in her new friends house and she is s very polite Oppossum.( more so than most people I know). She always goes outside to take care of business.


They eat a lot of ticks which makes them an awesome animal in my book.


Sitting on my back deck reading one day.
There were kittens hanging around. (a TNR family)
Reached down to pet a kitten. The fur wasn’t right.
I looked down and a little baby opossum was stretching and reaching for my hand.
Freaked me out a bit but the little one seemed to love the affection.
They are super cute really, especially when babies of course.
We were friends for a while after that. ❤


"They get so scared, they pass out." Oh no. 🥺💔


We had 2 as pets when I was growing up. Weird right....But if they like you, they'll come cuddle up to you so often it's annoying. They wrap their tail, which is kind of rat like and unappealing, around your hands or wrist as a sign of affection. They also kind of purr like a cat too, if you scratch them in their favorite spot at the base of the tail. Also, you can damn near train these things to do math homework if you offer up sardines or other canned fish. Its their favorite. ❤️


I have the scruffiest little female opossum living under my shed. Her and my cat hang together side by side on my back porch. Best buds!


I am a wildlife rehabber and I have raised baby possums and taking care of injured possums I love them I've done this for 13 years they are great animals


They are wonderful and even seem peaceful. I like all animals and nature and think every animal deserves its best life .


I noticed the possum here at my house and I put out some cat kibble for it. Cleaning out brush and noticed a tick bed. Looks like a blackberry but it's could be deadly. Anyway I went out the next morning and the tick bed was gone. That old possum in myself had a good relationship for about 3 years. I was very grateful for his service. Please don't kill them! We've got people around here that deliberately run over the possums and the armadillos. Get chick fever or attack by fire ants and you'll see what I mean when I say don't kill them


i just love them!! poor misunderstood babes..lets learn to love them not fear ..theyre so sweet..i use to feed one hed hang out with the stray cats i fed..he waz such a sweetheart.i fell instantly in love with him..


I've seen this trick work more than once when my dogs have brought one home. They look totally dead for an hour or so. Then after the dog goes for a snooze they get up and amble off. It's really impressive.


It used to be more common to say "playing possum" than "playing dead" which is the phrase that really came about because of this animal's natural defense mechanism.


And one of my favorite things about “possums” is that their favorite food seems to be ticks!


I had one on the front porch and I wanted to move him to the backyard. I feared that if he left the porch he could get killed in the road which is a very heavily trafficked highway during the day. He was so terrified of me that he hung onto the railing so desperately that I couldn't budge him! This old lady had to have the young man next door get that small animal into the cat carrier! Pretty strong for a small animal. I'm sure he was much happier back in the woods. He never did try the old "leave me alone. I'm dead".!


I have seen this but never realized they did not control this. I once helped a police officer remove an opposim from the road. The young officer was reluctant to remove the animal. I had thick gloves in my trunk and picked up the "dead" animal allowing traffic to move. The big guy got up and ran away as soon as I got back into my car. I was so happy! i was pleased as I am kind of a girly girl with nature but wanted to help more than I was scared. They really are cool animals! 👍😎


I wish more people understood how good Opossum are for their ecosystem! They’re essential scavengers, who eat the detritus of food, and dead animals so it isn’t just rotting there, and they eat a lot of pests like slugs, small rodents, and a ton of different insects. Real patriots break for North America’s only native marsupial!
