Terahertz Imaging in Sicily Paintings

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We pre­sented a THz exam­i­na­tion of a gilded XIV c. tem­pera panel at LACONA 2014. The panel belongs to the Bib­lioteca comu­nale di Taormina (Sicily) and it is cur­rently under restora­tion by Angelo Cristaudo.
LACONA - con­fer­ence of the Lasers in the Con­ser­va­tion of Art­works — gath­ers researchers in Laser-based tech­niques for the con­ser­va­tion of cul­tural her­itage. CHSOS pre­sented a poster together with DTU (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Den­mark) Fotonik - Depart­ment of Pho­ton­ics Engi­neer­ing. This year the con­fer­ence was held 9–13 june in the United Arab Emi­rates. I have been col­lab­o­rat­ing with Corinna Koch Dan­dolo, PhD stu­dent at the pres­ti­gious DTU (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Den­mark) Fotonik, whose research focuses on devel­op­ing art exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tions for the THz (Ter­a­hertz) imag­ing tech­nique. This is a video about the THz tech­nique “Ter­a­hertz and Art Exam­i­na­tion.” I already posted on her THz exam­i­na­tion of the newly dis­cov­ered fres­coes in Aci Sant’Antonio and the study of two wooden stat­ues.
Inter­na­tional Researchers are wel­comed to pro­pose sci­en­tific art exam­i­na­tion research for the field projects in Sicily that I’m already work­ing on. I wrote down a MoU (Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing) high­light­ing the goals of these col­lab­o­ra­tions. These involve myself and other Sicil­ian pro­fes­sion­als in the cul­tural her­itage sec­tor which help me to accom­plish them tak­ing care of the logis­tics, the rela­tions with the author­i­ties involved and adding their spe­cific com­pe­tence to the team.
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