The Abandoned Terraria Mod that was INSANELY GOOD...

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This Dead Terraria mod really could've been one of the BEST ever...

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The Convective Wanderer went full RoR2 Magma Worm, even going as far as to mimic the Overloading Magma Worm


Its sad to see one of my favorite mods die.


Apparently it hasn't updated due to 1.4.5 being released soon™.

Edit: Okay this comment blew up slightly, but I think I should put more to this. In direct response to this video, a spriter in the Polarities discord said in 3 different messages.

"oh thats why theres random people joining now" (image of this video)
"1.4 happened and no one wanted to port it"
"maybe itll get resucitated in 5~ more years but dont count on it"

Lastly, a couple months before this video, there was an image showing a list of roadblocks that I'll quote verbatim.

"Fractal Dimension porting, again, as I have not kept track of Subworld Library
Fractalization Health effects, due to the new HP styles
Selfsimilar Sentinel, his overworld counterpart (Rift Denizen) is much easier to port
Armors, we need breastplate sheets to use the the 1.4+ sheeting
Shimmer, certain things shimmer into certain items (ex: all torches into shimmer torches) and we may need to skim through recipes to disable/condition them
Enemies in shimmer, they turn invisible when shimmered, drawcode may need to be tweaked to support this.
IL edits, there are plenty of these, and code has changed. We'll need to figure out what they were supposed to do and adapt them for new code.
Summon balancing, Whips may make existing summons too powerful or Orbs completely (applies to current and ported [message was cut off]"


It’s been about 8 months, and in these last two weeks I took on the job of updating and porting Polarities to the newest version, so look forward to it not being abandoned soon!


absolute facts on the flawless feature
closest thing we got is the terraprisma and people loved that, more of that for the other bosses would be sick


genuinely such a shame this mod died, easily my favorite set of boss fights ever


Crazy you did this mod 2 years ago in “You NEED to play this Terraria mod”


I've come back after a really long time, used to watch you when I was still doing my first terraria playthrough. I'm glad you're still making content even if you arent really bringing in views or subs. You have to have some crazy dedication to keep uploading.


Hollow invasion sells me fr, like holy shit. evil biome invasion is a really cool concept.


I love the idea of the Rapture and the Pestilence, it sorta takes canon lore into account. I kinda like it when mods add more to what's already in Terraria.


I played a much older version of this mod a while back, crazy to see how much it improved. It's a real shame it's dead, seems like one of the best mods there is for adding content that fits seamlessly with vanilla alongside Starlight River, Spirit Mod, Thorium, Secrets of the Shadows, etc. Hope videos like this are able to bring enough attention to it for people to want to help port it to 1.4.5 once that releases.


Polarities was the first mod that made me want to beat bosses without taking damage and actually felt good after making it through.


13:08 guys we're cooked, dreadnoughts big cousin pulled up get to the drop pod


When that crazy 3D worm was shown off, everyone got hyped for what the mod would bring. What did it bring? Disappointment. Come back, Polarities; we miss you.


this mod had so much potential, especially after they just threw in the 3d worm and dipped(Its actually 2D the people who made this mod just clever as heck and its sprites moving to look 3D

i dunno what i even like best about the mod, theres so much to like

the fact theres like 2 versions of several bosses(example, sun pixie has a counterpart called the eclipxie, and theres the one that looks like a giant bacteria that has a second version too, heck they even remixed the tunes between counterparts, sun pixie and eclipxie swap the main sorta synth instruments

the cool gear, the fact there were hitless rewards, and the final boss being based around goddang ELECROMAGNETS and having some of the more unique mechanics despite being eye-shaped beings.

i really need to get around to playing this mod myself honestly, ive seen alot and its good


What happened is pretty simple: Turing retired, that's it. And he isn't really interested in Terraria anymore. It's mostly the others working on the mod now and dealing with the roadblocks involved (see other comments)


praying that polarities makes a return, it was so good


naww "folded his tip back and brought out a laser" actually goes crazy


A giant drill worm in DRG would be terrifying


"slapping me with his tip" pause.
