Diablo 3 Eternal Collection - 100% Platinum Walkthrough under 15 hours - Full Game Trophy Guide 1/4

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In this short series, I will guide you along the way to 100% trophies and platinum WITHIN 15 hours!!

In this part, we perform the following;

First start the game as a Necromancer, put the game on normal difficulty, then get to Town (New Tristram) and get eyes on the mailbox. Then quit via the in-game menu and send me a friend request at PSN 'Optinooby'. Be sure you attach a comment stating Diablo 3 platinum guide and then give me 48hrs to send the items to you.

ALL LEGIT - The items I send to you are (All are lvl 70 ancient legendary but have been reduced to lvl 1);
- Funerary Pick - Main Hand - Necromancer only - Gem of Ease lv150 slotted
- Griswold's Protection - Main Hand - All classes - Gem of Ease lv150 slotted
- Gloves of Worship - Hands - All classes
- Spaulders of Zakara - Shoulders - All classes
- Aquila Cuirass - Chest - All classes - Flawless Royal Topaz x 3 slotted
- Leoric's Crown - Head - All classes - Flawless Royal Ruby slotted
- The Flavor of Time - Neck - All classes - Legacy of Dreams lv99 slotted
- Custerian Wristguards - Wrists - All classes
- Iron Rose - Off Hand - Necro only - Flawless Royal Topaz slotted
- Lidless Wall - Off Hand - All classes - Flawless Royal Topaz slotted
- Stone of Jordan - Ring - All classes - Boon of the Hoarder lv50 slotted
- Avarice Band - Ring - All classes - Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard lv150 slotted
- Steuart's Greaves - Feet - Necro only
- Illusory Boots - Feet - All classes
- Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan - Feet - All classes - Flawless Royal Topaz x 2 slotted
- Goldwrap - Belt - All classes

- MISC -
- Puzzle Ring x 5 - Ring
- Ruby x 1000.
- Imperial Emerald x 10
- Death's Breath x 100
- Forgotten Soul x100
- 10 mill gold

Once you have the items, (I will let you know), take out 3 at a time, then close the mailbox and repeat to hopefully prevent items bugging out. Once you have everything, be sure game saves, then bring in a 2nd local player as a necromancer and use the 2nd player to dupe everything I sent you.

To dupe, give the items to a 2nd local player who is a guest (ur the host), then have them drop out to save their inventory. Bring them back and have them drop everything but DON'T CLOSE their inventory, then have them LOG OUT. Because they dropped items, then logged out without closing the inventory, this will dupe those items dropped. Then grab everything back as your main, player 1.

With everything duped so that YOUR main and a 2nd user on your system now have all the same items, put the game difficulty on EXPERT from the title screen, activate everything in gameplay options except 'smart minimap in coop', make sure you both as the necro have the necro items equipped when applicable and you are now ready to go through the story.

You will get a few misc trophies along the way along with ALL the story trophies, just be sure you equip the skills below as they become unlocked as you level, you will level REALLY fast.

The reason you need to take the 2nd coop local player along with you through the story as a necro also is so that they level and have the campaign completed as this will come in useful later (don't worry, it's not inconvenient, nobody needs to attend the 2nd controller as they will just be dragged with your main).

There are some misc trophies we won't be getting now which we could, this is only to make it simpler for you and for the guide, these misc trophies only take a few minutes so I opted to just leave them till another part for less hassle.

Other than the story trophies than the auto misc trophies that will come, AS SOON AS the skill unlocks below that allows you to use the curse skill, Aura of Frailty, equip it straight away as this will start the count towards the trophy for 'kill 5000 cursed enemies'!

Below is the skill list we use;

- REANIMATION - Lv 9 Command Skeleton - Lv 19 Frenzy (these will kill enemies for you).
- PRIMARY - Lv 11 Siphon Blood - Lv35 Power Shift (mainly used end game in torment 6, but is your attack option if you need to attack yourself).
- CORPSES - Lv 16 Devour - Lv 38 Devouring Aura (increases movement speed when coupled with the 'fueled by death' passive skill mentioned below).
- BLOOD & BONE - Lv 19 Bone Armor - Lv 48 Harvest of Anguish (increase movement speed).
- CURSE - Lv 22 Frailty - Lv 39 Aura of Frailty (to curse enemies automatically).
- BLOOD & BONE - Lv 30 Blood Rush - Lv 60 Metabolism (for movement speed).

- Lv 10 Fueled By Death (devour now increases movement speed)
- Lv 20 Swift Harvesting (increases siphon blood attack speed).

Hope it helps and any further questions please ask in the comments, enjoy xD

#Diablo3 #TrophyGuide #Speedrun
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After getting the Platinum on PS3 in the most naive, convoluted, time-comsuming manner possible, I felt I deserved a bit of help the second time around. This was perfect. Thanks so much!


You are a godsend! Thank you so much. I’ll be sending a request later tonight. Thank you so much for this comprehensive guide!!


Already got plat a long time ago (Diablo veteran tho) but just wanted to say thanks for those awesome guides, found your channel while researching something for RE2R. high quality content, in depth commenting whenever it’s needed and a great game taste! greetings from Germany, stay safe ✌🏻


Just left a friend request. Thanks in advance.
You're a legend, man. Best guides on youtube hands down.


Ayyy thanks for this. Thanks for helping me back then, I'll recommend this to my friends.


I sent you a friend request, I already finished the game casually 2 years ago and forgot how to play this game. Saw this guide and wanted to thank you in advance! :)


i couldn't attach a message on PS5 but I sent you a regular message saying diablo 3 platinum guide, thanks for making our lives so much easier. once I receive the items I'm gonna subscribe for your Diablo 4 content. again, thanks king


Hey man, first of all thank you for your guides. I already used a couple of them over the last months and they are very detailed and really helpfull!
Not sure if you're still helping and sending the Diablo 3 items, but I just sent you a friend request.
Thank you!


Awesome guide, still working great (if you follow directions and are not a n00b like me). Thanks for the help getting me going as well as your patience. Looking forward to going through more of your Platinum Walkthroughs.


Just sent you a friend request. You are a legend mate!


Thank you so much for doing this to help us get the platinum.
I also added you, I am Shybuna
Thanks in advance and keep up the great work :)


Hi Opti! Sent you earlier a friend request! Thanks in advance! More power to the chanel! Keep safe brother.


Man...giving all the nice loot away so people can get the Platinum quicker.What a cool dude you are!Will you cover Amnesia Rebirth 100%? I was just reading something on psnprofiles...Anyways: Great work - i already followed 3 of your guides.


Not sure if my friend request will work on Xbox One or not, but I sent it. Thank you very much and this was a great guide!


hi sent you a friend request. And thanks for the guide.


Subscribed....Thank you for doing this. PSN request sent.


Hey!! I hope you’re still helping with this lol I have to get my copy of Diablo back from my friend but if you’re not too busy then I’ll shoot you a friend request. And I can’t tell you how awesome you are for going to these lengths to help people... it’s just unheard of.


Great guide man, really in depth. I've sent you a friend request if you've time to send through the items (I did send a seperate message as it wouldn't let me send one when sending the friend request). One question... if I've the digital copy of the game tied to my PSN account, is it possible to execute the coop strategy in your video? I'm guessing this may only work with the physical copy but not sure?


Bit of a long shot as im coming to this so late, I've been trying to grind this platinum for years and always ended up giving up so I'm downloading it again now to follow this guide and will be sending a request in the morning if you're around to be able to accept it would be massively appreciated 😊


not sure if your still doing this just sent you a friend request thanks so much for all these guide their the best out their for sure
