23b. JavaScript Comments and Code Refactoring
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Comments are good but a better code structure is the best.
In this tutorial, you will learn about comments and code refactoring. Splitting your code into functions, whereby each function has its functionality or action it performs.
"Code refactoring is the process of modifying the code structure without affecting the functionality for readability purposes."
We will refactor our old code structure from the previous tutorial (Multiplication and Prime Number) to a better code structure by splitting the code into two functions. The functions are used instead as a comment because they are self-descriptive.
Check out the tutorial video to learn more.
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In this tutorial, you will learn about comments and code refactoring. Splitting your code into functions, whereby each function has its functionality or action it performs.
"Code refactoring is the process of modifying the code structure without affecting the functionality for readability purposes."
We will refactor our old code structure from the previous tutorial (Multiplication and Prime Number) to a better code structure by splitting the code into two functions. The functions are used instead as a comment because they are self-descriptive.
Check out the tutorial video to learn more.
Learn anything and get the required skill you need to kickstart a long-lasting career.
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#primenumbers #javascriptcomments#coderefactoring #javascriptloop #loopnesting #javascriptrecursion #javascriptfunction #arrowfunction #functiondeclaration #functionexpression #anonymousfunction #javascript #techstackmedia #codenewbies #learntocode #tutorial #webdev #DEVCommunity #DEVCommunityIN #NodeJS #programming #Hashnode #100DaysOfCode #opensource #techstack #media #womenwhocode #dev #blogging #writing #coding #webdevelopment