Don’t Keep This In Your Car! #Shorts #police #cars

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Poppin bottles? Make sure you know your local laws for open containers.Open container means open container of alcohol. If you are caught with an open container in your car, you could be fined or even arrested. Learn more in this video!

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"Officer am telling you it was in the engine"


...even if the container is empty?
Wow! that's one crazy-ass law you've got there!
Forces people to throw their empty cans and bottles out the windows.


My workmate was having a party for us after work. She went to buy stuff... food, soda, booze, etc. On the way to her house, someone plowed into her car & most of the alcohol bottles were broken (she even had shards of glass in her hair & scalp). When the cops got to the scene, they wanted to arrest her for driving under the influence. She had to insist they give her a breathalyzer test to prove she had no alcohol in her system.


I live on the KY TN line and it’s crazy how opposite their laws are in regards to alcohol in the car.


Bro I got to tell my dad this he does this all the time


My dad was an insurance agent, this is absolutely true. Keep alcohol in the trunk!


We once had an obviously drunk driver crash into a tree in front of our house on a country road. The guy had enough working brain cells to realize he'd be in less trouble if the tossed all his open beer bottles out of the car.

My older brothers watched him tossing bottles, and when he wasn't looking, they tossed all the bottles back into the car. Drunk dude got in a lot of trouble that day when the police arrived.


I’m pretty sure everyone knows this one. Atleast, they should. It was taught with our defensive driving course when getting our permits.


I’m curious. Is officers discretion applicable in this case? I remember a Live PD episode where they were moving stuff from house to house and they had a whole box of open alcohol bottles but the cop let them go since he didn’t smell any alcohol on them.


That’s why I throw my empty beer cans out the window when I finish it.


I got a open container ticket for driving some guys around on 4/20. I hadn't been drinking, but 2 of the 4 guys had almost empty beer cans and didn't want me getting rid of them, so I made em sit in the back. They finished the beers, I dropped them off, I thought they took the trash so I drove off. At the entrance of the neighborhood I get pulled over for a DUI check. They see the cans in the backseat, I tell them about the guys I dropped off, they breathalyze me, 0.00. wrote me a ticket, told me to throw away the cans and left.

$643 fine for being nice. Thanks America 👍


That's why you hide it in the trunk


How the hell are you supposed to take recycling in.?


Remember that next time you bring your returnable beer cans & bottles to the supermarket.


What if I have them in my back sits in a bag because I'm going to a recycling center?


Thankfully this is a law! Can't tell you how many idiots I saw coming through a fastfood drive thru drinking alcohol. Called the cops each time. Don't drink and drive!


We don’t have that state law in Mississippi, but some cities do within city limits


They should have a website where you can find any laws you should know when like going to a different place, like if I was from NY and wanted to go to Miami then it could tell me any legal/illegal differences to expect


In Florida if you put a permanent partition between the driver's area and passenger area the passengers and the rear can drink apparently


The principal distinction between the terms "lawful" and "legal" is that the former contemplates the substance of law, the latter the form of law. To say of an act that it is "lawful" implies that it is authorized, sanctioned, or at any rate not forbidden, by law. To say that it is "legal" implies that it is done or performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. In this sense "illegal" approaches the meaning of "invalid." For example, a contract or will, executed without the required formalities, might be said to be invalid or illegal, but could not be described as unlawful. Further, the word "lawful" more clearly implies an ethical content than does "legal." The latter goes no further than to denote compliance, with positive, technical, or formal rules; while the former usually imports a moral substance or ethical permissibility. A further distinction is that the word "legal" is used as the synonym of "constructive, " which "lawful" is not. Thus "legal fraud" is fraud implied or inferred by law, or made out by construction. "Lawful fraud" would be a contradiction of terms. Again, "legal" is used as the antithesis of "equitable." Thus, we speak of "legal assets, " "legal estate, " etc., but not of "lawful assets, " or "lawful estate." But there are some connections in which the two words are used as exact equivalents. Thus, a "lawful" writ, warrant, or process is the same as a "legal" writ, warrant, or process.
