Joni and Ken: An Untold Love Story - Joni Eareckson Tada & Ken Tada

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Joni and Ken is the true love story of one of the most adored and respected couples on the planet---Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada---who, through depression, pain, and cancer, faced the kind of testing and trials few could even conceive. But a couple who have clearly displayed the love of Jesus in their relationship...for almost thirty years. Includes an eight-page photo section.
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Mr Tada was my high-school teacher at John Burroughs High-school of the kindest people i ever met. I was relatively new to this country and high school kids are brutal. He made me feel welcomed. He understood me and gave me advice. Made me his teacher aid...I remember him vividly because he made a difference in my life. He would tell me about how he and his family were sent to internment camps( prisons) during the war all Americans of Japanese decent were picked up in the middle of the night by soldiers. Scary stuff considering you were born HERE!!!!. Well he adored his wife Joni I still have one of there books..Mr Tada if you read this .
Thank you Sr for your kindness and for being a great educator. I remember you very kindly..many blessings always to you and your loved ones. Please take care..


Join, I'm 72yrs & you've been my hero for many years. I would tell myself that if Joni could live for Christ w her challenges; then certainly I could!


I liked what Joni said about crushing the rose petals. The fragrance isn't released until the crushing happens. Marriage is a crushing experience. Crushing of wills. Crushing of hopes and dreams. Crushing of expectations. Crushing of spirits. But when that crushing takes place if the couple can only realize as Joni does about the fragrance of that crushing and how totally unique the marriage is because of all the things the couple has endured. I love my husband more today after soon to be twenty years of marriage because of the crushing that has taken place between us. The death of our son, my husband's health issues, my health issues, and raising a special needs child. All these things shaped who we are and who our family is today. My step-mother-in-law is now terminally ill with Alzheimer's. My father-in-law is taking care of her at home with the help of family. What a beautiful picture of Christ taking care of his Bride! The world just does not see suffering as we Christ followers do. If you are being crushed right now cry out to Christ. Cry out to your heavenly Father. He knows about all of our infirmities. My husband just came through 18 months of taking care of me after a terrible accident. Now we wonder where our future will lead but God kept me here on this earth for a reason. Life is a bowl of rose petals! Smell the fragrance!!


when she said crushing I said Lord her vertebrae were crushed too and she can still stand as a warrior for Christ!!! Praise God!


I think all married couples arrive at a point where they feel trapped, whether there is a disability involved or not. Yes, Ken knew Joni was paralyzed when he married her, but one doesn't really know what it is to take care of a sick partner until one actually does it. I think Ken's feelings were completely normal and I commend them both for sticking with each other in sickness and in health. Not every couple lives up to that vow.


Thank you my dear sister Joni and your husband my dear brother Ken... you two are a blessing to me and many...a blessing from our Lord Jesus and Saviour Jesus Christ ☝️❤


Just finished the book. She is right. If they can go thru so much and still love and are together then there’s hope for me too. Thank you


I love this beautiful couple ! They have taught me so much. I thank God for their relationship and willingness to be so transparent.


What a real man. Her courage is astounding. Together with God, they are meeting life's challenges. Remain in faith.🙏


Joni's smile is the most beautiful I've seen in the whole world...Jesus is in that smile!


I have such love and respect for Jobs and her husband. Truly Christ centered and a very loving couple.


Joni In the middle of the 70's I invited you to come to a florida christain bookstore to share your work and your increadible inspirational story. We shared experiences mine was a motorcycle accident which put me in a wheelchair for 3 Years and left me with half of my calf gone. You drew a riverside scene for me and Your creative determination inspired me to become a published Author and Artist. You make a differance in many lives to this day
Love Author Carole Cookie Arnold


You are such a piece of fresh air. Such hope. Encouragement. Such faith. Pain is a hard thing to deal with. Emotional pain is sometimes harder than physical pain. But when I listen to you...I have nothing to complain about. God is our source of life. Thank you for being an extended hand(!) of God.


Joni ! you are beautiful inside and out. Knowing your daily battles, I'm ashamed I've ever complained about even a headache.


Ken and Joni - a fabulous couple! I watched a video a few years back of Ken saying how, when he's in heaven he was going to dance with Joni - it was so moving. Their love is so deep for each other, but also for Christ! It's a wonderful thing to think that one day I will meet them in heaven, although maybe we will all be too busy adoring the Lamb, to worry about looking out for others :)


This women’s strength is just so amazing and their faith in God together is something every women and man should have in this life. Certainly going to buy her books!! A beautiful soul she has. What a beautiful amazing women!! Her strength and her lasting faith in God with all she’s been through is so inspiring to see!! Thank You!!


I cant watch any of these videos without tearing up. These two are do beautiful and a great, godly example for us all. I really need to rethink my life and all the griping I do.


My problems are manageable, Joni. God bless your marriage, sweet people. What a blessing you both are.


One of the greatest couples . Love you both ❤️


You two are soooo blessed to have found each other. I envy the love you share... for I have never had that.
