INCREDIBLE TRUTH about ANGELS | 12 Facts you need to know

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In this video, we take a look at what the bible really says about angels. What do they look like? How many are there? What types of angels are there? We take a look at some of these questions and more.


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In this video, I talk about 12 incredible facts that you need to know about angels. What do angels look like according to the bible? What do angels do? Are the angels around us? What types of angels are there? What are the names of angels? In this video, I will answer all these questions by looking at what the bible says about angels. If you don't know the answers to these questions, then these incredible facts about angels will be interesting to you.

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I'm pretty sure that I met an angel, before I got saved. I was walking home around midnight after getting off the bus. A man got off with me and basically walked me home. He saved me from getting hit by a car that came out of nowhere. It came to the end of our walk and to part ways. He told me he would see me again in heaven. I didn't think anything of it until when I turned to look at him one more time, he had disappeared. I surrendered my life to Jesus 2 years later.


I need someone to pray for me. I struggle with homosexuality and porn addiction. I need the Lord. I need to fall in love with him and just live for him. Please pray for me God bless you.


My mother's friend had her face ripped to peices by a savage dog . At the hospital a surgeon sewed her ruined face together . Her parents were so amazed at the brilliant work of the surgeon . No body at the hospital had heard of this doctor . And the very talented surgeon disappeared soon after . Her parents believe it was an angel ..


Hi everyone here .I'm glad you all believe in angels.because my daughter passed in March this year.since that happened I've been wrapped with warmth .I miss her so much.i cry all the time .I asked the angels to help me heal .then this morn.a beautiful little blue bird landed on my shoulder.the bird hasn't left my side.i named her Kait after my daughter.and now she won't leave lol.even my little cat cloe loves the bird .I don't know but I'm feeling a little better.thankyou to everyone here ❤❤❤❤😇😇😇😇😇🩵💙💙💜🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦


I love how he backs up everything he says with scripture. That’s real preaching


I have been saved by angels several times. They were also witnessed by my family members who were present. The first angel appeared in the form of a young man. He never spoke, and pulled me back from falling off a mountain. Then he disappeared. My parents witnessed it. The second angel saved me in a car wreck, and I felt it, but didn't see it. It was a serious wreck, but I wasn't badly injured. The third angel saved me in another very serious car accident along with my daughter. She witnessed it save us both, as did I. This one came in the form of an extremely bright light and wrapped itself around us. Every single time I was saved by an angel, I felt warm and at peace, and not in pain. I was born with a rare disease that causes pain and fatigue daily. The only times that I have had no pain is when held by angels, or put under for surgery. I even wake up through the night every night with pain. I also felt the love of God each time. It was so overwhelming that I cried uncontrollably each time. It was very overwhelming, but absolutely unforgettable. Praise God!!! I'm so blessed to be alive. I tell my experiences, because I believe that this is why God saved me. He knew I would glorify His name. Praise be to God!!!


My mother had an angel in the form of a beautiful dog that came out of nowhere to walk her home on a dark night. This was when she was young, she talked about it quite a few times. Any way she was walking home after being out with a girlfriend. She was afraid and this gorgeous Retriever came and walked beside her. Mom got home and told her sister and mother what happened and gave the dog milk. It did not drink. Mom went back to the kitchen to see the dog and it had gone, disappeared as the door was closed. To her dying day mom believed this was an angel in the form of a dog.


I love this preacher because when he gives his doctrine, its is supported with the passages from yhe Bible, Praise God. Thank you Jesus


I do believe in angels and we have angels with us everyday


In 2010 my sister was in a coma and doctors all said she was brain dead and her organs to be donated. i went to the hospital church and prayed so hard to save her. I went back to say goodbye for one last time. The team were waiting for one last person to arrive. As we waited I put one hard on her head and one on her heart and asked that we be given another year or 2 and to take those years from my life. The complete team arrived to do the last tests on her and she turned head 2 minutes later she opened her eyes turned her head. Exactly 2 years to the very day she actually died. When I got home from the hospital two years earlier the house had been locked. I had foam pillows and duvet but on the carpet next to my bed was a beautiful white feather. I believe in God and Angels and thanked them for the 2 years of happiness we had. She was disabled but after the coma thought she had been born a wheelchair user. R.I.P Gail love you xx


I believe an angel helped me after I had almost died from a heart attach. The angel was in the form of a doctor who I did not know standing at the foot and then beside my bed. We talked then I lived. That same doctor came by several times in ICU and I recognized him several times as he talked me through things. I know that God sends angels. He was the most beautiful person I had ever eyes, skin, expression and everything. Could someone please tell me if God sends angels on the form of humans.


I like how you ended the video with “there’s only one way to heaven, through Jesus Christ” Amen bro!! Keep on preaching the truth. Appreciate the video


i am 16 and gave my very first sermon. PRAISE GOD. Thank you Danial for inspiring me.
The Holy Spirit heard my prayers and filled me up so there was no room for fear of people.
May it bring good fruit. Amen.


In my lifetime,
I’ve definitely spoken with an Angel in the form of a person
twice thus far, it was an unusual beautiful experience., each time they knew me already without me introducing myself..


I live in NY and I have encountered a few, didn’t realize those encounters till after giving my life to Jesus. There are more Ángels on earth than stars in the sky. Glory to Christ 🙏🏼✝️


God even has an angel for. every little child on earth


I had an encounter many many years ago with whom I believed to be Jesus in the form of a homeless man. He had the most beautiful eyes I will never forget in my office was having a potluck that day and I fed him and when I went back to check on him and he was nowhere to be found and nobody else remembered seeing him at all. I just felt in my heart I needed to share this story because I believe it's testimony. Praise God and God bless everyone. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


When I was born The doctors told my grandmother that I was blind I couldn’t see. As you could probably imagine that terrified her. A beautiful lady came to her in the hospital. my grandmother said she seemed very sweet. Basically told her everything would be OK and that God would use this child. I never forgot that story. She searched for the lady in the hospital later, and could not find her. We believe it was an angel. I did end up being able to see out of one eye until I was 30 years old.


Amazing video! I just learned today that angels don’t look like what we always imagined and that’s so interesting to me! I believe it’s beyond us to ever imagine how they truly look. I will never forget when I was 8 years old at my friends pool. I traveled too far to the deep end which had to be at least 6 feet. I began to drown and was struggling to swim to the top but couldn’t. I felt this push from underneath my feet which lifted me up to grab the side. Even when I was young I knew it was an angel because I was struggling so much and was so tired there was no way I would’ve been able to save myself. Thank you God for sending us these angels to protect us❤️.


Shalom from Indonesia. I've met my guardian Angel one time on Nov'2016. It was the horrified mid nite time, This Angel was trully standing in between my bedroom door. He was so tall. Protecting me from death. It was the spiritual warfare. Jesus bless us.
