Gwyneth Paltrow Wasn’t Ready To Marry Brad Pitt | Rumour Juice

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When Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Pitt began their romance in 1995, they were the Golden Couple of that era, the couple too effortlessly beautiful to fail. And yet, while their romance was a blazing storm, it was snuffed out so suddenly. They seemed like a match made in Hollywood heaven, but sadly it was all too good to be true. While we saw loving gazes, what happened behind the scenes was so unhealthy, it made Gwyneth hate herself.

0:00 "I am properly in love for the first time in my life"
1:53 Her love affair with Brad gave her strength
4:25 She was too young to settle down
6:00 A person who is worth making the commitment to

Gwyneth Paltrow Wasn’t Ready To Marry Brad Pitt | Rumour Juice

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Gwyneth was right to call off the engagement especially since she wasn't ready for marriage back then


They really did make a soulful couple!


brad pitt has always been a consistent features in hollywood gossips for decades


It is good to know when you aren’t ready for such a big commitment


They would have been great together. Would have saved him from Aniston & Affleck for her. Couple of cute kids & great houses all over the place.


If woman that thinks she's to young to marriage is already doomed to fail in it


Hollywood makes me not believe in love . Gwyneth , ange, Jen Crazily in love all three times and none of the worked out


Never found her to be Brad Pitt material her mother was beautiful ❤


It was an extremely important relationship for five system. Unfortunately I think that their break up broke Brad
I don’t think he ever quite got over her and that’s probably when he started to drink
You have to think about all the women who have ever thrown themselves at him when you look at their images together he was truly happy when you’re that high and you get hit and take a fall
It’s devastating it’s not like just falling out of a chair
it’s like falling out of the sky

She was more heartbroken knowing that she had hurt him but having to be true to her own heart

Once he asked her to marry him he’s got really serious and that’s when she started to crumble

She didn’t want to miss out on all the opportunities that might’ve presented themselves in the future because she was so young
She was also afraid of failure
You start looking at your companion and you realize how popular they are and how they pretty much choose anyone but they chose you do you wonder how long it’s gonna last especially if you have an issue with your own self-worth

There’s that Thought, it’s too good to be true

There were parts of their relationship that were interfering with their careers and that was another issue

You could see when they both have the same haircut how he was Steaming and she was looking the other way and wasn’t smiling

Meeting Jennifer Aniston who resembled Paltrow in someways but could never be her cause a lot of issues in their marriage as well he really at that point started the downward spiral I could see how Jennifer would pretty much stay in love with him all those years judging by what Paltrow said about him
But trying to pick up the pieces after that trauma
Wasn’t possible not then So then he moved onto Angelina Jolie and I really wouldn’t call their relationship of failure but I think once he started it all rolling with drinking
It takes a life of its own
You don’t have time to heal because you’re in the public eye and you would always be reminded of the person you desperately mess because you’re in that circle. You would see pictures of her and see her moving on in your heart would just break over and over again you start to look at your own inadequacies and beat yourself up

I think he had a relatively successful life with Angelina but he wasn’t himself anymore he couldn’t trust women he couldn’t trust his partner and he was still reeling from the devastation. At that point when someone rejects And abandone you
It brings up all of your fears

Then you have to pain steakly work through them and when you’re trying to maintain your status and move forward and now you have this crutch
It’s like a bomb going off and destroying everything
You’re standing there looking at the aftermath
Thank it my God what happened who am I what went wrong how will I ever be OK again how can I clean up this mess
Would it ever be beautiful again
Is this the end or can I survive this

My heart goes out to him because I really didn’t understand what went wrong I hadn’t even dawned on me.

Like she said, he’s just a man a beautiful man. And also to if you think about it they were kind of living a fairytale life and were young they had huge responsibilities because of their careers and had a lot of money and now this
Could they actually survive soaring to the sun without getting scorched?

Yeah it’s really heart wrenching to hear the story
Both of them were forever changed
Doubt can destroy even the most brilliant, promising people

But you know what? They both needed to go their separate ways so they could be certain
At that point I think they were both so hurt that even though they still loved each other they couldn’t ever return to each other because things could never be the way they were before that happened
Just like a bomb going off mean everything would be changed and once it was restored it would never be the same but it could’ve been better if that’s even possible to imagine

She’s found peace within herself and has finally allowed herself to settle down and open up again
And she tried to have a normal life just like he did when he was with Angelina Jolie and see you when someone gets hurt like that they end up hurting someone else because it does change them and not necessarily for the better that’s a work in progress type situation
At that point there is more questions and answers

But I can see that she has a fear of being with beautiful men because in her psyche there’s a greater possibility of her getting hurt and I think that’s what tripped the switch. I mean obviously leading up to the point where he wanted to marry her she was not taking things so seriously but yet she was having to deal with all the nonsense at Hollywood with the shout about them and their relationship and about his success and his beauty that has to really mess with a person. And as far as her talking about nobody in the family ever getting divorced while she got divorced so you say what year afraid of is what you draw to you and you can’t control everything or anyone. She decided she didn’t wanna get married again but eventually she did and I’m sure Brad will too but I hope he gets through this and finally puts down the bottle. I hope he is able to heal and be better than he ever was before
Marriage doesn’t necessarily mean happiness it means a lot of work that means compromise and it means sacrificing yourself at times
There are good days and our bad days and their ugly days
Both of them have children now so they’re different people all the way around I think for him at some point it was the end of the world when they went their separate ways and she was sorry that she had hurt him because they didn’t fall out of love
She just knew she couldn’t do it not then

Oh this is why I stay single because after my last heartbreak six years ago on June 23., With my ex who turned out to be a narcissist discarded me at a gas station after 2 1/2 years I had to go through two and I still live in my car to this day and he still doing the same ridiculous stuff he was doing while we were together and even before. I don’t miss him. I understand he was hurt too and that narcissist are created they’re not born. What point do you stop sacrificing yourself and stop making yourself available for others to take for granted and allowing people to exploit you and your goodness?
I’ve garnered a lot of strength
I finally have clarity about my self-worth my true value who I am as an individual and when I truly want
And I also know what I don’t want
I have no interest in another romantic relationship as long as I live
Not because I’m afraid to get hurt
Because I realized I don’t need it


😄😄 madam Gwyneth Listion me 😜😜 jannfer Aniston and Angelina jolie was also say this lovely dialogue before you 😄 he is too Good for me 😄😄❣️❣️ from Pakistan


I’m glad they never married. I think she’s weird and not in a good way. Who would call their child Apple??? And a few other things like, Conscious Uncoupling? Pleeeese!


I wish I had had the opportunity to meet Brad Pitt. Amazing example of a man 😉


She has a went full circle..she found her brad who looks like the other brad. Brad Pitt was her first love but many moons later, she met her Brad she was meant to marry! Kinda ironic!


Everyone knows he dumped her after he found out she cheated on him when she was in the U.K. filming the movie "Sliding Doors".
Rumors got back to him from the movie set that she slept with one of the supporting actors from that movie.


I'm surely happy they didn't marry.


I don't find Brad Pitt to be a good person!


I can't believe he wanted to marry her.


;rad is a very; boring person, how did he ever Win anything.


They would have great kids looking good.


If not for the age difference, it could have worked out since Gwyneth has no issues having kids and Brad wanted kids. Plus Gwyneth's parents liked Brad very much and would be very supportive of this couple had they got married. Brad married Jennifer because he wanted to have a family but he should have asked Jennifer first if she wanted to have kids.
