CampK12 TV Ep 11 | Amelia vs Jay | LIVE #CodingCompetition | Harry Potter Scene

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It’s the ultimate face-off!
Amelia and Jay battle it out LIVE with only their coding skills to create a Harry Potter scene!
Watch these kids solve challenging tasks, puzzles, and sharpen their brain against the clock.

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In this episode of CampK12 TV, Learn to create a Harry Potter scene In just 30 mins from two grade 4 and 5 students. Also Learn how to add attributes, dimensions and movement to 3D elements using JavaScript computer language.

In this video, Amelia and Jay take part in a coding challenge and create a harry potter scene using coding on HatchXR, a 3D game development platform. They will showcase the followings: -

►How to create background of the harry potter scene
► choose houses like Gryffindor and Slytherin
►Add 3D elements like castle, harry potter characters
►Add snow world and water world
► Adding 3D Voldemort and hagrid
►Add text to the scene
►Project publishing and QR Code


Introduction ► 0:00
Choosing the houses - Gryffindor and Slytherin ► 5:28
Start coding the harry potter scene ► 6:40
Add 3D elements like Castle, harry potter character ►8:34
Add a snow world ► 10:18
Add a water world ► 14:25
Add Voldemort ►19:45
Add texts and change, dimensions and positions of the 3D elements►26:50
Project publishing and QR Code ► 36:40

#codingforkids #Harrypotter #3Danimation #3dgame #Harrypottergame #Gryffindor #slytherin


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