Bernie Sanders suspends campaign for US presidency

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Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who saw his once-strong lead in the United States Democratic primary evaporate as the party's establishment line up behind rival Joe Biden, ended his presidential bid on Wednesday, an acknowledgement that the former vice president is too far ahead for him to have any reasonable hope of catching up.
The Vermont senator's announcement makes Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee to challenge President Donald Trump in November.
Sanders said he would address his supporters from his home in Burlington, Vermont via a live stream at 11:45am Eastern time.

#AlJazeeraEnglish #US #USElection #Sanders #Bernie
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He just mentioned all the reasons why he SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS.
RIP American politics.


RIP American politics now.., I was having only one hope which is this guy.


Remember the safe choice John Kerry who lost to Bush? Joe is another safe choice who has nothing new or better to offer then what Trump is offering. If you care about your vote counting, vote for a third party candidate.


Suspending only the guy needs to offcially drop out. Trump 2020


Try again you’re on the wrong timeline


God acts in mysterious ways.... America you are being punished.


Biden has no chance against Trump. Thus, the Democratic Party commits suicide.


Makes sense though... everyone else gonna keep campaigning and spending millions of dollars on advertisements and campaigns while a portion of the nation struggles to pay rents and put food on tables?

What does that say about any of the presidential candidates we end up with ?


I miss Andrew Yang and I am not even an american.


Really political deadman. He keeps in failing his own supporters


It's good he was not good for india, he raised kashmir issue, I am so happy he lost😀


Lets go trump
Lets go trump
Lets go trump


Le lo
Babaji ka thullu 😂


An Open Letter to the Government of the United States of America:

It has always been the duty of governments, be it Local, State, or Federal, to protect its citizens and preserve the ideals and way of life of the Nation. For generations working Americans have been asked to sacrifice time and again in defense of this Nation, and each time the American people one asked one question: “What are my choices?”

This is a duty that the United States government not only failed at as of late, but intentionally abandoned to serve and protect the interests of the wealthy and corporations. While a part of the economy is the stock market, it is mainly the working people who provide the goods and services to the Nation and the global economy as well. The disparity of wealth in this nation is on a scale like no other, yet the government continues to insist that everything is ‘business as usual’, and as a result, rather than protecting the American citizen, it has abandoned its role and failed in its’ duty.

When the American people are asked to sacrifice their lives, livelihood, and families for the sake of shareholders, financiers, and the wealthy, the answer to the question of “Do we have a choice?” must be anything other than “NO”. The citizens of our nation should not be forced to choose between their lives and the enrichment of a select few. That is not the idea that countless generations were taught, believed in, died for, and certainly not the ideal that this nation was founded on.

It is important that you understand that when I refer to the “American People” that I am not only referring to the wealthy and those financially secure in their lives and future, but the often ignored ‘tax payer’… those who do not have the disposable income to invest in the stock market and do not have the ability to hire lobbyists to work on their behalf. I am speaking of the suddenly ‘essential’ workers who are required to keep our country moving and economy functioning. Those who are disparaged for being poor, ignored for not having political power, and walked over by those wealthier… those that are now suddenly needed to keep this country going in its time of need. Our government has sought to provide relief to the stock markets and businesses BEFORE the citizens, the self-same citizens who will be forced to shoulder the burdens of the stimulus for decades without reaping any of the benefits.

The current Administration is seemingly fine with citizens dying as long as Wall Street shows any positive gains and the Legislative Branch who also appear to be fine with this as well. I, personally, am not willing to die so individuals in Congress and the Senate can become rich from stock trades prior to a national crisis while telling their citizens that there is nothing to fear. I am fairly certain that most Americans, regardless of political party, do not find this acceptable either. It is time for the government of the United States to stop profiteering from the efforts of its citizens and start putting the workers and tax payers first. We deserve better than a single $1, 200.00 check while billions are handed out in tax breaks for the wealthy and loans made to business that have more than enough means to survive on their own.

Right now the focus of the government should not be Wall Street, but to help the actual workers that not only drive the economy, but consume the goods needed to fuel the stock prices. Everyone in government is focused solely on the markets without any consideration for those actually driving it. Without the taxpayer and consumer, who will make the goods that are needed for sales? Who will buy the goods that are made in order for the economy to advance? The wealthy are not the ‘job creators’ or the drivers of the economy, it always has and always will be those citizens whose backs the burden of the stimulus has been placed. It is the citizens who risk their lives and brave their health to get the economy back on track while those that are benefiting from the stimulus packages sit isolated from the nation and look down on the workers. And when all is said and done and our nation is through this dark time, it is the citizen that will bear the responsibility of rebuilding our nation.

Universal Healthcare, regardless of what you chose to call it, is first and foremost a basic right of every American citizen… regardless of race, income, religion, political leanings, gender, or sexual orientation. Our government has actively dismantled and crippled the EPA and FDA, organizations that are supposed to protect the well-being of it’s’ citizens, then claim no responsibility when their own actions cause the citizens to take ill. To claim no responsibility, especially in a time of crisis, is an affront to every man, woman, and child in this nation. Our country should not be socialist for the wealthy and rampant, unrepentant capitalism for the poor. Those with the least means should not be forced to bear the burden that the Congress, Senate, and President have placed upon them, nor should those same politicians imply that workers be grateful for a one-time check of $1, 200.00 that they may or may not receive depending on their circumstances.

Time and again, when faced with the opportunity to make meaningful change, the question put forth by Capitol Hill has always been “Who is going to pay for this?” and “Where is the money going to come from?” Yet when Wall Street needs an influx of cash to stabilize the markets, those same questions were not asked once. It suddenly did not matter who would pay for it, the money was magically found. The burden of paying for it will go where it has always gone… on the backs of the American workers. Not businesses, not the wealthy, and not the shareholders… our government has gone to great lengths to ensure that those groups are well and truly protected from any financial harm. Instead they have placed the burden on the tax payers, effectively turning generations into indentured servants while the wealthy go about their business and play golf at their leisure.

In this day and age, in this country, we have children living in squalor, the schools the only means to provide meals to them. We have families that are struggling to make ends meet day in and day out, one paycheck away from their own financial collapse without any members of Congress or the Senate riding in to save them. And in a country such as America, this is an abomination to the ideals of the founders and an insult to the tax payers who are doing their level best to survive. These circumstances are not because they are not trying or because they are lazy, as so many members of our government claim in an effort to belittle the citizens. We need to stop penalizing and ostracizing our poor and struggling population and start lifting them up.

If you truly wish to return America to its long-gone glory, then you need to start with lifting up those in the greatest need, not pushing inclusive or divisive policies. We need to help the American people and ensure that each and every one of them has access to health care, education, and the equal chance to make a future for themselves. Our country was financially greatest when BOTH the worker and employer paid their fair share in taxes, and if we were ever to return to that financial equality, then America could truly return to greatness.

For decades the American workers have been insulted by their government, belittled by their employers, stripped of any authority or ability to affect change in their nation. We have been repeatedly lied to by our Presidents, called lazy by our representatives. The time has come for our government to do better by the American tax payer and citizens. We MUST do better by those who have no choice but to give their money to the government or face penalties. The ideals of America must be applied equally, regardless of income level. Our representatives need to stop paying lip service to the citizens and start working to their betterment. Do not force workers to choose between enriching the ‘economy’ at the cost of their lives and the lives of their families. In this time of crisis, it is imperative that the government lift up the population, not back them into a corner, starving and at risk. Our families and our lives are more important to the American people than a few percentage points of some hedge funds or the trading floors.

This is not an issue for politics, the usual Republican versus Democrat stalemate that has crippled our nation for years while each pretends to be working on the behalf of the American worker. Do not quote past achievements or speak of lofty plans during this time of need, do not pat yourselves on the back for what you have done… rather, look at the road ahead and see what is yet to be done to ensure the survival of our way of life.

Please listen before it is too late…


Now that the communist is out, that just leaves Dementia Joe. Wow, what a choice we have this November!!
