Meteors /Meteor Facts

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In this video you'll find meteor facts , Asteroid facts , and comet facts . Brought to you by KLT. Don't forget to sing along!
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Music: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT
Video: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT
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And, ring the information bell
Here’s the difference between
these space rocks that you will see
Asteroid, Meteoroid and
Comets and some with stages between
These different celestial bodies
are important to learn
We’re all part of this universe
Let’s give space rocks their turn
I’m an Asteroid
Also called a minor planet to some
A rocky, airless remnant leftover
From our solar systems formation
You can find a lot of Astroids
Orbiting our sun
between Mars and Jupiter
within the Asteroid Belt I run
I can range in size
from about 329 miles
down to 33 feet small
And I’ve been here for awhile
I’m made up of different kinds of rocks
And, some have clay or metals
Such as Nickel and Iron
Found in frying pans or kettles
Here’s the difference between
these space rocks in this song you will see
Asteroid, Meteoroid and
Comets and some with stages between
These different celestial bodies
are important to learn
We’re all part of this universe
Let’s give space rocks their turn
I’m a Meteoroid
I’m smaller than an Asteroid you see
My size can range from a grain of dust
To a small Asteroid. Yeah, that is me
I orbit the sun
I’m made of minerals called Silicates
Which is Silicon and Oxygen
I’m glad you’re learning this
I’m also made of heavier metals like nickel and iron
Let’s go explore a little more about what other names I can become
If I enter Earths atmosphere
You’ll see a bright tail of light
If this happens and I vaporize
I’m called a Meteor that’s right
Some call me a Shooting Star
or a Falling Star
I’m only called a Meteor if I burn up
Completely, it’s bizarre
But, If I make it through the atmosphere
And reach the Earths surface
My name changes to a Meteorite
It’s important to learn this
I’m a Comet
which is dust mixed with frozen gas
When fully frozen I’m about the size of a small town through space I do pass
I’m made of ices, like Water, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia and Methane
Mixed with Cosmic Dust from our
solar system when it began
When I get to close to the sun
I heat up and spew dust and gas
This forms a glowing tail that stretches away from the sun I pass
A cloud forms around my nucleus
From my vaporizing ice
This is called the Coma
It can expand 50,000 Miles and looks nice
My tail that formed can expand
past 600,000 Miles
Thank you for learning about all of us
I hope we made you smile
Here’s the difference between
these space rocks in this song you will see
Asteroid, Meteoroid and
Comets and some with stages between
These different celestial bodies
are important to learn
We’re all part of this universe
Let’s give space rocks their turn
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