Being a Lineman - Episode 40

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Hey Everyone!

After transferring the files to my computer I found the audio messed up in a few places... Just found out my new phone has multiple microphones that adjust according to "zoom" :/. I have that feature turned off now and shouldn't be an issue on the next vid!

I had no idea what I was getting into with this one... turns out to be a beaver call!🤷‍♂️
This video is a great example of how much procedure is involved for a very simple job!.

Be safe all!!

Keep in mind my videos are to be used as guidelines only!
There are many different ways to preform the tasks shown in this videos.
Always adhere to your own company's policies and procedures.
This work should only be preformed only by those whom are both trained and authorized to do so! ***

Huge thanks to my Patreons! 👊👊

audio courtesy of:
Corncob Country by Kevin Macleod
Youtube audio

#bobsdecline​​ #Dragonwear #lineman
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Hey Everyone!

After transferring the files to my computer I found the audio messed up in a few places... Just found out my new phone has multiple microphones that adjust according to "zoom" :/. I have that feature turned off now and shouldn't be an issue on the next vid!

I had no idea what I was getting into with this one... turns out to be a beaver call!🤷‍♂
This video is a great example of how much procedure is involved for a very simple job!.

Be safe all!!


One has to admire a small animal that can take down a large tree with their teeth where we need a chainsaw. Pretty amazing creatures. It keeps your job interesting. Thanks for the video. They are always interesting and I enjoy learning. Please stay safe, and God bless.


You even get the guys in the garage out for the outage! I bet they loved that. I love to see that you guys use 3 way comms and when the read back isn't 100%, the dispatcher calls it out and makes you read it back correctly. It's a PITA but it keeps everyone alive.


This helps me understand why it takes some time to get a line back online! Thanks! 👍


At a former employer of mine, 1000 internet customers lost Internet because a beaver chewed through a conduit and severed a fiber line, caused a 4 day outage because of the remote location. 😂


Thank you and all other linemen world wide. Life as we know it would stop without you folks.


I don't think you are Declining Bob, You're still in your prime.
Subscribed over a year ago. Watching with interest from Calgary, Alberta.


One of your best videos to date. Lots of detail covered.


I bet that Beaver got one hell of a fright when the conductors shorted!


Beavers are the engineers of the animal world. That’s why MIT has the beaver as their mascot. And the MIT student is the animal of the engineer world.


The greatest danger in your job is getting hit by a car because no amount of precautions can eliminate the poor practices of others. Any of those drivers can be sleepy, drugged, drunk, or texting on their phone. A tire could blow at precisely the wrong time. So be careful along highways.


Classic example of 3 part communication. Great to communicate on the air so everyone else knows what’s going on.
Great content Aaron. Keep up the great work!


With guns, you ALWAYS treat them as loaded and ready to fire. Dealing with electricity like you do, you ALWAYS treated as energized and take ALL necessary precautions, and then some.

Be safe.


You guys really have your s*** together when it comes to communications. You take "measure twice & cut once" to a new level. Very impressive.


As a system operator, I learn so much from a Linemans' perspective. With the company I work for, we don't get to ride along. Love your channel.


😂teach them critters what direction to drop the trees😂


Man you must have the best job in the world and in a beautiful part of the world - Lucky fella. I love your videos.


10:18 waiting for car to come up and shout "HURRY UP MY POWER IS STILL OUT!!!!" 🤪


Interesting to see that beavers pose a problem to other services as well. I work for a county road dept and we deal with beaver issues regularly. They cause flooding issues for us as well as storm water issues. A few years ago we had a beaver dam burst and it flooded a neighborhood and nearly washed out one of our roads.


The beaver should be happy, you dropped the tree for them and cut it into manageable pieces. Handy that there was another route for the feeder so you could partially re-energize the area and minimize the outage until the work was done.
