10 Things in 2 Minutes... | Arma Reforger

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Here's 10 things you need to know in order to win, in under 2 mins...

Arma Reforger -
It's the next best for the Arma series in my opinion, high fidelity graphics, strong physics (vehicular), gritty gunplay & it's rooted in team tactics one of my personal preferences in regards to tactical games.

And this is just the beginning with plenty more to come along the pipeline...

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Considering the limited public servers, I’m surprised people often complain about not being able to put a group together/ having to go solo. Typically, right when I join, I spawn at the FOB, see some people getting supplies and I’ll say, “Hey, you guys wanna go take out X?” They’ll almost always agree, and I’ll be rolling with that crew for several hours until the server restarts or it gets late. I’ll even randomly spawn on someone’s radio beacon and we’ll stick together for the whole game.

I just had a really fun experience where I acted as lookout from the Morton church tower while my group, who I met off a spawn beacon, defended the point. Eventually, the attackers became so numerous they drove us out, so we rallied some more forces, made a convoy of BTR-70s stocked with ammo, and pushed up the main road from the east to conduct a counteroffensive. The enemy attempted an ambush, but we were able to push through and take back Morton. In the grand scheme of things, we bottled up so much of their force with so few of our own that another group was able to take the smaller points surrounding Morton, which led to us winning not too long after. Experiences like these have been quite frequent every time I hop on.

To get the most out of this game, all you really have to do is chat with the other people in the server. Sometimes, people are just too shy or are so focused that they forget that working as a team is most important. I almost exclusively play with complete strangers now, which really shakes up how you approach problems each time you play. That’s what I’ve loved since getting the ArmA 3 Beta way back in 2013. Once you get to chatting with whoever is playing, they end up being the nicest people you meet in any multiplayer game.


Great tips! Although I would recommend reloading a. version with the captions in white, as they almost unreadable in black 😉


These tips will make you a valuable player for sure 👍🤙


Great video. Just a little tip...make the on-screen text white with a back outline or vice versa. It will be much easier to read. Keep it going brother! Subbed


Pretty much agree with this information, but I won't probably use it since in large public pvp scenarios everyone's a straggler and going solo instead of working as a squad/platoon etc.


Any tip to recognise who’s the enemy or friendly they both look similar


does anyone know if it is possible to focus while aiming on controller ?


We need invasion from squad in arma reforger and it will be the best game out here


I would love a basic video about navigating this is my first game playing arma I’m don’t know where I’m at most of the time


I'm a Dayz player. I just randomly bought arma Reforger on xbox? Have I fucked up? As a dayz player? Lol. Looks like a less survival dayz with much more military strategy. I'm hoping I made a good purchase. I heard theres modded dayz servers


Can anyone tell me if Ai can be made less deadly to actually lean the game single player or coop


Tip 11. Uninstall/delete this unfinished garbage
