How to Propagate Blueberry Softwood Cuttings

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Here's How to Propagate Blueberry Softwood Cuttings, under mist in the summertime. We propagate blueberry bushes using the Elliot high bush variety which does well in the cold winters and hot summers in the midwest.

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00:00 Intro
00:18 Our blueberry bushes, what we use
00:55 How to select cuttings
02:13 Why softwood
02:54 Know blueberry bush patents
03:21 Preparing the cuttings
06:04 The size of the cuttings
07:05 Trimming your cuttings
07:43 Placing cuttings under mist
08:54 Outro


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hello friend how are you You are very beautiful and cheerful The information you have provided is excellent.I


When do you remove the rooted cuttings from the sand and plant them in soil? At what point do you fertilize them, and how? Thx


Hey good job keep up the good work! I'm trying to grow a small nursery and YouTube channel as well! I subbed and will keep an eye on your channel and new projects!


How long does it take for the cutting to start to root and then be able to plant?
