28:19 Give and Take: What is the Strongest Scientific Evidence that God Exists?

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What is the strongest scientific evidence that God exists?
with Hugh Ross

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46 years ago I was moved to look at the Bible for myself too, the Book of Isaiah. In chapter 5, I learned that the Bible showed that land has a carrying capacity. As a science student, I learned this and I remembered about the Dust Bowl in the 1920s and how America learned that the land has to be cared for and given rest. Then in chapter 7 verse 14, I ran into a verse that a virgin would give birth to a son. I knew that at Christmas we learn that Jesus was born of a virgin and that was interesting. Then in Isaiah 11:11-12, I read that the Jews would be dispersed throughout the "four corners of the earth" and then return to their homeland. I knew that Israel became a nation again shortly after WW II. Also I recognize that there was wisdom as well as holiness as I read these pages. At this point I believed. That was almost 46 years ago. The night before I prayed. I said "Dear God I don't know if You exist, but if You do and Jesus is the way to You, I will follow Him and worship Him for the rest of my life. I am now closer to my 66th birthday than my 65th birthday, and I am still following and worshiping Jesus. That is one prayer than I have kept my promise to God as He has kept His promises to me.


Live long and prosper, Dr. Ross; I know a few people who would not listen to a preacher, but they will listen to you because of your science credentials and very rational and informed arguments for a Creator. Your work is changing the lives of many.


The reasons to believe ministry has strengthened my faith greatly, and it has helped me to confidently share the gospel. Thank you! May God continue to bless this ministry!


Excellent point: most of the critics did not read the Bible, or take pieces out of context, and go out saying everything is wrong, fake, whatever. But it is important to be clear that the Holly Scriptures are neither history, nor astronomy and biology texts! They are the story of the people of God and their relation with Him.


I am so glad that Hugh's videos showed up in my recommendations. I watched Hugh years ago and was for no reason other than the genealogies of Genesis, a young earth creationist. Today many years later I somehow have changed my rigid interpretation to a more reasonable scientific view of creation over a long, long period. Limestone is one thing that cements it for me today. Pun intended.


Such a great answer! That a book was written so long ago, that outlined what science would eventually discover.


I like Hugh Ross, he is a very eye opening person. I would like to read some of his books.


To humble oneself under the Lord Jesus and his holy spirit is the key to an understanding of the Bible.


Let’s not forget that Jesus made Aged wine from water. What this implies is that we are subject to the “laws of the universe” but God isn’t. He could have birthed the earth yesterday. And made it to show age given us memories and so forth. Oh and he also made Adam a grown man “aged. So he was man “not child” yet 1 day old.


Jesus Christ is the light of the world, outside of him there are no answers.


Great work, keep it up. We need more like you.


I hope God brings forth more and more people with great mind to prove that the God of Israel is real.


I would love for Matt Dillahunty to be interviewed.


I was blown away by the book of Genesis. The account of creation written by Moses thousands of years ago must be the work of the creator. I don't need further evidence.


Where do people claim Genesis teaches the earth is flat? What's been truly surprising (and embarrassing) is hearing self professing Christians say that the Bible teaches the earth is flat! I hope this is just an internet thing. I've never heard it in real life, so I have no idea how common this belief is.


In Job, God confronts Job with the question, "Where were you when I hung the globe of the earth in the heavens?" I've long found that reference to be prescient.


If you like this video then read Hugh Ross's "A Matter of Days." I have read a lot of apologetics but this is my favorite one (along with C. S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity).


The ANE cosmology described in Genesis (waters above the firmament, etc.) How does Hugh process this?


If God is, then science must be. If science is, then God must be.


Isn't the Interviewer the same guy that was on another YouTube video debating with one of the leaders the "Flat Earth" believers? i think he's a scientist too.
