Health Matters - Cold Weather and COVID-19

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In this edition of Health Matters, we explore the links between cold weather and our health in a particularly difficult winter season, where COVID-19 is also prevalent. Part of the Health Matters edition released November 2020. #PHEHealthMatters

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0:00 Introduction
1:54 Excess Winter Deaths
4:00 Older People
5:25 Housing
7:13 Cold Weather Plan
7:53 Cold and COVID-19
9:26 Action Plan Summary
10:23 Preparing for Cold Weather
13:17 Conclusion
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How to manage severe coughing due to CoviD


Perhaps the government might have spent some of the billions that they have dished out to their mates during the c-19 'plandemic' to level up those who are in poverty (which this video clearly states are more at risk of poor health outcomes in winter)
