I Tried Living off £10 for a WEEK | $13 Aldi Food Budget Challenge 2022

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In this video I show you my attempt at living off £10($13) for one week, thats 7 days, 3 meals a day. I did the majority of my shopping in Aldi, I have also included the meal plan that I used in the video so feel free to use it as inspiration.

Equipment I Use:

I really enjoyed doing this £10 Aldi budget food challenge and i learned a lot in the process, i learned that being vegan really helps me keep my costs down and that you have to make a meal plan if your on a strict food budget

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My name's Jonathan, and on this channel we are on a journey to Financial freedom, talking all things personal finance, business, investing, entrepreneurship and self development.

I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.
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Keep up the good work man!! I'm on day 11 quit smoking and drinking and videos like this motivate me, love cutting costs to pay for other things


A budget hint for the future: bags of dried lentils and beans work out far cheaper than the tinned varieties. With tins, half the weight is the liquid they're packed in. Buying dry lentils and beans does meaning planning ahead, as you will need to presoak them unless you have a pressure cooker.


Im not a vegan but your vid has given me some cheap, nutricious meal ideas.
Thanks for posting.


Hi Jonathan, this is another great video. One of the best 10 £ challenges I've seen. Very inspiring, thank you.


Thanks for this video. I am going t have to live like this ( and already have been to some extent ) for the forseable future due to the rising costs of living and especially the hikes in fuel prices. I see lots of comments from Americans about how cheap food is here but remember petrol (gas) ia much more expensive here in the UK and the average electrcity and gas bills are rising really fast and by huge amounts. We are also very heavily taxed and wages are comparitively low. I am on a minimum wage of £9.50 per hour and that does not go a far at all. I never eat out, never buy take away - not even drinks, I can't afford biscuits, chocolate, fizzy drinks, meat, and eat low budget food all the time. Some days I do not eat anything as I have no money to buy any food. This is not a pity party, I am just telling it like it is.


It’s awful that The cost of everything is going up so much lately. This video and videos like these will be very helpful to a lot of people. Myself and family included. I do the best I can with budgeting but it’s always great to learn more. I make cooking videos so I cook a lot and I appreciate learning ways to make cooking more budget friendly from you. I hope we can learn more from each other. Thank you so much for sharing your budget friendly tips.


As a nutritionist, I appreciate him choosing to try to pick nutrition over convenience. Finally, someone picked up fruit- bananas!


Great job Jonny! Content like this is more important than ever so thank you! Wish we had Aldi in Canada. Seems like it would cost me 25 to 35 Canadian dollars if not more for everything you got. Everyone please remember if you are currently facing food insecurities please seek help. Please contact your local food banks, churches, libraries, police and fire stations and schools to see what help they can offer.


I have a very different life from you. I have 6 children and I live in Canada, where our food prices are quite a bit higher than yours. But I love seeing challenges like this! It’s so inspiring to see how you make your dollars (pounds) stretch. Thank you for sharing.


I don't eat meat every day but I do buy one whole chicken for bone broth too stretch out over the months meals. I always buy 1 whole chicken, 8lbs. Potatoes, 2lbs. Carrots, 5lbs. Flour all purpose or self rise, 3lbs onion, 2 loaves if bread, 4 dozen eggs, 1-48 oz. Bottle of veggie oil, 1 bottle knorrs chicken boilloin French dip, 1 gallon milk, 1 -16 oz of whipping cream. For biscuits. And a head if each cauliflower & broccoli. Prep all veggies and freeze till ready too use them.


Be interested to know how much same shop now costs. Excellent demonstration of living frugal and vegan.


So affordable!! Can't get over how much cheaper things are in the UK!!
This would all add up to close to $30 Australian, even taking into account the conversion rate we're still paying sooo much more for our groceries!! If I took this same shopping list to my local Aldi I would have to pick and choose and would need to leave out probably half of the items you bought in order to keep within what this spend would convert to, which is about $17.50 Australian dollars, so you are lucky to be able to buy so many things at such a low cost!
Having said that though I really appreciated that this was a vegan challenge/meal plan being vegan myself and also definitely agree that eating this way does help to keep the costs down.
I'd love to see another one of these kinds of videos if you were up to doing another challenge again sometime so encourage you to consider this, it was really helpful and inspiring! Thanks


Hey man really enjoyed your video great work. Any chance you could do an updated video which shows the difference in food costs due to the cost of living 🤔 I'm quite the Aldi shopper and seeing this video shocked me on how much the little purchases have increased. Great work keep it up thanks


You did so well! The dinner recipes looked great and the cous cous tofu lunch 😋 Well done! So glad I found your channel today 😁


I would be curious to see how much this shop would cost now with rising prices - I really like your selection.


Some of the prices of these basic ingredients have gone up nearly 50% since this video 2 years ago ridiculous inflation 😮😢


I have watched almost all budget meals on Youtube and i like yours best so far. To me, an Asian living in the US, your meal plan look healthy and tasty.


Great recipe ideas mate. Think we should all try and budget our meals, even if we don't have to as there might come a time when it's necessary


Quite a bit of food for this challenge! Refreshing to see a challenge w/o eggs everyday for breakfast!


At the beginning of summer, due to the high cost of a loaf of bread, I started to buy the store Italian loaf at $1.00 last week it was $1.47.
