Akash Batash Shakkhi Rekhe | Doly Sayantoni | Movie Song | Channel i

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Song Name : Akash Batash Shakkhi Rekhe
Singer : Doly Sayontoni
Lyrics & Music : Shafiq Tuhin
Gaan : Movie Song
Program Name : Amar Joto Gaan , Channel i

গানের নাম : আকাশ বাতাস সাক্ষী রেখে
শিল্পী : ডলি সায়ন্তনী
গীতিকার এবং মিউজিক : শফিক তুহিন
গান : সিনেমান গান
অনুষ্ঠানের নাম : আমার যতো গান , চ্যানেল আই

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Impress group was incorporated as a private limited company in 1979 as an advertising firm. Impress group operates Channel I, a digital Bangla channel, which is broadcast in more than 84 countries. Impress Telefilm is the leading media production house in Bangladesh engaged in a wide range of activities, which include the production of drama & drama serials, music videos, variety shows, magazine programs, musical programs, and documentaries, etc. including TV commercials.

Channel i , Impress Telefilm Ltd.
Address: 40, Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208

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