Check out why you need to attend the Power Platform Community Conference in-person in Las Vegas?

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Kristine Kolodziejski, Senior Manager | EY
“It really allows you to grow your network and gain so much knowledge that you will not be able to gain from online articles.”
Gary Pretty, Senior Product Manager | Microsoft
“Being able to interact directly with our users and our customers is really, really important for us because we get to take that feedback and feed it directly into the product.”
Dona Sarkar, AI and Copilot Program | Microsoft
“This is where people get jobs, people get opportunities, people get learning. For myself personally, I'm in this job because I talked to somebody doing AI last year at this conference.”
Vlad Catrinescu, Independent Consultant | vNext
“Nothing beats that, ‘Hey, let's sit down together, let's open up a laptop, let's brainstorm ideas together.’ That's why I always say that in-person conferences should be a full part of your skilling strategy.”
Yannick Reekmans, Microsoft Cloud Solutions Architect | Qubix
“Seeing the people in the hallways, talking to them, seeing how other companies are solving problems, what they're doing with the platform and getting ideas for my business and for my customers.”
Kendra Springer, Principal Design Lead | Microsoft
“You are just in it, you know, like you fully immerse yourself and you have the ability to stand next to someone and grab coffee and find connections and then go the LinkedIn route. So you build that foundation. It feels much more organic."
Patrick LeBlanc, Principal Program Manager | Microsoft & Adam Saxton, Principal Program Manger | Microsoft & Hosts - Guy in a Cube
“We present a lot, we deliver a lot of content. We share a lot of content. And when you’re remote, you can't see the gestures and the reactions. You know people maybe they're confused a little bit, but when I'm in person and I'm delivering this session, I'm sharing some knowledge; if someone's confused, It's an indicator that hey, I need to redeliver that content, slow down. Maybe slow my pace down and give them exactly what they need so that they can consume and understand what I'm trying to say.”