Top 7 Most Expensive Pets in WoW - And How to Farm Them!

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Today we're looking at the 7 most expensive farmable battle pets in WoW. We're ignoring TCG pets because you can't farm them, and those you get from pet battles because not everyone likes doing that.

Head out to Timeless Isle and grab some Mogu Runes of Fate. They'll let you double your chance later on. While you're at the timeless isle, feel free to farm the Jadefire Spirit, which sells for 100k to 300k gold, and the Spineclaw Crab, which sells for 400k to 1.5 million gold. Feast of the Fishes helps.

My Route:
First, I go to Antoran Wastes in Argus in order to spawn the daily boss Mother Rosula. She has a 7% drop chance for the Rebellious Imp. 100-400k. If you do this daily, expect 2 a month.

Next I go to the WoD dungeon, Heroic Upper Blackrock Spire. To the right of the second boss, The Lanticore occasionally spawns. We're running this just to see if he's up. If he is, you got yourself a Lanticore Spawnling. 100k-250k

Then, I go and do my Tol Barad dailies. This isn't quite as profitable so I didn't include it in the video, but it's consistent. By doing the Tol Barad dailies, you can farm the Fox Kit Pup worth 100k in 2 weeks or the Rustberg Gull worth 20-50k in 4-5 days.

My favorite farm though is Molten Front. After a long quest chain in Hyjal and two weeks of dailies, you can get one Zen'vorka's cache a day. This has a 5% chance to give a Searing Scorchling. Heavily gated farms like this are almost always super profitable, and this pet isn't an exception. 200k-600k on the auction house.

I finish up with doing the Mist of Pandaria LFR raids. Halls of Flesh shaping LFR is the only way to get the Living Fluid battle pet and it's worth 100k-350k. Son of Animus also drops here. The downfall of garrosh hellscream wing is another good one since it drops two 100k pets, the Blackfuse Bombling and Kovok.

I didn't include the Crawling Claw because, well, it's Archeaology and you can only get 1 per character. There's so much randomness with that one that I can't promise consistent gold, but it does sell for upwards of 1 million gold on some servers.

If you enjoy pet battles, do the Tanaan Jungle lap and the dungeons. Everliving spore is massively expensive at 500k to 2.5m, and the Seaborne Spore sells for 200k. You can get a few a month if you get into a grove.

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I went out to UBRS right after watching this and the Lanticore was up. I killed him and got the pet. Then right after that, I went next door to LBRS and the rare boss Bannok Grimaxe was up. So I killed him and he dropped his rare Blacksmithing pattern for the Arcanite Reaper which is worth about 20k. I was so lucky today, thanks for the inspiration! :D


Been watching these vids for awhile now, i had to finally sub for all the crab puns. great vid man!


I love how people on WTB's video go "Oh this totally wrecks the market"... like 0.04% of wows population watched this video chill....


Your puns are awesome and subtle. I appreciate the confidence in the delivery. Well done sir!


"don't be shellfish" D:<


I hadn't thought about it until I watched this, but I found a Searing Scorchling in my pet log from when Molten Front was current. Thanks!


this is actually one of the best pet farming guides to date, by anyone, GJ! now its wrecked lol!


The most expensive pets in wow: and how to make them worthless
Step 1: make a video about it


i also wanna give one tip to everyone doing these farms as a pet battler myself who has been in the community for a while either sell that pet at level 1 or sell it at level 25 don't just level it up to like level 7 and just throw it up on the AH if you put it up at level 25 you can charge more for it but if you put it up on level one more people will buy it because they want to level the pet themself or they want to boost it, if you put it up at level 7 the people who want to level it will mostly not buy it leaving only 1 type of buyer making your pet sell slower, if you put it up at level 25 you will only get the people that pet battle or are going for a completionist they will pay more for that pet because they don't have to boost it them self
also as a side note leveling it up to 7 will pay the same as keeping it at one you're just wasting time and maybe money


This was unexpectedly pleasing to watch, quite funny. Great guide!


A quick tip for UBRS as horde the finkle quest in Mount Hyjal, if you haven't completed it,
teleports you directly to blackrock spire and can be abandoned to use more than once.


You correct on slow selling. I have been posting Naxi since I got it, for around 150k. Sure others undersell me, but I only need one person to pay the 150k for me to be happy.


Your Spineclaw Crab puns were way too funny!


I just decided "hey I'm going to run over and try some of these" first Jadefire kill i get the pet


Thats a really nice tip, only undercut for 1 copper, or don't undercut at all since now it's last in first out.
Most people keep sinking prices and we're still going to have to wait a few months to sell those rare sell items but with lower profits for everyone. =P


Lanticore Spawnling in my first UBRS run with my main right now <3 Thanks for this video :D


5:33 "Look, its Zelda!" ... Reckles, I am disappoint!


"If you wanna be a Hermit" "Every two thousand krills" "look, it's Zelda"


Thank you, Reckles! I've been watching your videos for a long time but when that 5mil giraffe popped out there's no way I could allow myself to be lazy/casual anymore. From a gold farmer perspect yeah no, no thanks. However my primary love in wow is MOUNT COLLECTING and I will definitely drop any amount of gold on any mount IF I HAD IT DX So I'm pulling from you and Studen to try and make myself a decent gold maker. I'm no good with math or sniping or any of that stuff so I'm working a hard work strategy starting with this guide. THANKS TO YOU, I've succeeded in getting my first pet from this list! I struggled the first two days trying to make a comfortable spineclaw run and was really frustrated because I forgot you said to use bacon on the fish feast and was so frustrated how you were tolerating a five minute buff that kept leaving me stranded out in the water, I have travel form BUT STILL. Anyways! I'm back on track with my daily schedule and today I jumped into HUBRS AND THE LANTICORE WAS UP!! SO EXCITED! Thank you so so so sososososo MUCH! I'd love it if you have any of your other video's content that you'd recommend I squeeze in to my daily schedule! (I'm an uneployed house wife with plenty of time on my hands, doing my best to support my two best friends, one who's a full time mom of two and can't afford wow and my husband who works all the time. My goal is to help them figure out how to make gold and to be able to supplement their gold income with all the time I have to put into it! Would really, really really love any advice you can offer, preferrably for longevity. I'm very aware of how the prices or zones can get a little scewed when vidoes or suggestions pop up so don't worry about that, I'll do my best to account for it.)


now I want to play again, haven't played in a year but before that, I loved gold farming ( I had a really shitty laptop and could do almost anything else which actually made me really like gold farming). Every morning I get 1-hour earlier for a a nice relaxing coffee and the daily AH reposting and 40 min of going through the daily farm on 2 of my characters. Ahhh I miss that time!
