Stop Worrying About Muscle Protein Synthesis and Train

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Starting Strength Coach and Registered Dietitian Robert Santana explains muscle protein synthesis and why consistent training rather than the type of protein you consume is what drives your gains.

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omar isuf is looking a little different here


steak tastes better than protein powder


Also, if you're just starting, you don't need to worry about any of that. The whole diet thing has been WAAYYY overblown over the past few years. You just need to eat a decent number of decent calories (not Coca-Cola and doughnuts) and train. A lot of "diet" advice out there is not for the novice anyhow. And physiologically speaking, most of it isn't even helpful for more advanced lifters who aren't competing and pushing themselves to the very limits; very few people actually "need" supplemental protein.

Your body is designed from the ground up to repair itself after hard work on a normal diet. EDIT: No normal person needs "extra" protein (there is no such thing anyway, your body only uses what it needs and the rest goes into energy storage) if they are getting a "normal" amount.

I'm still at the novice level myself and am making Rip's five-pounds-per-workout progression just fine without consuming 4-5000 calories a day. You only need more than about 3, 000 if you are severely underweight; Rip even makes that clear on one the podcasts but for some reason people only hear the "5, 000" part of that segment.


I was a 45 kg twig when I entered the gym. 3 years later, I'm at 62 kg. I'm a "hard-gainer", have food sensitivies and I have almost no appetite to eat. One thing I've learned from my short journey is just fucking eat. Don't worry about supplements, they don't mean shit if you eat shitty, or don't actually eat. I actually don't even take supplements, I just worry about eating my 4 healthy meals a day. You'll even have better gains without feeling bloated from the gainer shakes. I stopped taking supplements after months of trying them because they're not really good for the intestines. Just eat whole foods kings and queens. We're all in this together 💪


Relatively small, skinny, old (50+) man here. Trainer asked my what my goals were. Gain some good weight, increase strength. Asked me what I ate in a typical day, how much I slept. Asked me how I exercised or worked out now.

After considering my answers, the trainer said, Rico, you need to lift more, eat more, sleep more, and cut back on the cardio.

Wow, mind blown.


Nice, I'm always trying to find new way to add powdered food to my diet. Right now 90% of my calories come from powdery sources.

Just the other day my grandma gifted me some zucchini she farmed and I had to dry them up in the oven and pass them through a fine blender before I could even eat them.


I haven't been getting the prescribed 1 gram per pound for a couple of years and I haven't shriveled up yet. I was obsessed with getting 180 grams per day and once I just allowed myself to get whatever was convenient. Nothing bad happened


Absolutely right! Back when prisoners trained with weights, they only had three small meals a day and these guys were huge! No protein powders!


Many confused people here. This video is clearly aimed at "newbies." Relax.


Rip got Bret Hart to promote his product, nice !!!


What I've heard from others (Linker, Nippard, etc.) in regards to protein, in order of importance: #1: Get enough each day, #2: space it out (e.g. five or so meals of 30-40g rather than downing a gallon of milk or the ol' 96er in one sitting), #3: timing and other stuff that normal people can't or don't want to deal with, and frankly probably don't need to deal with.

However, it just stands to reason that it's all for naught if you don't pick heavy things up and put them down.


This is advice for novice lifters who are underweight. Just train. Eat more overall calories (including protein). Sleep. Rest between sets.

If you are running SS and are overweight, say 25%+ bf, you can get away with eating fewer calories. The book (SS 3rd edition) does mention this.


Thumbnail got me. Thought it was a grilling video


Thanks Robert for the great info. Thanks Starting Strength for changing my life.


If you are deficient in protein, more protein MIGHT help. So many other things involved here and so many books written about the subject that I'm not convinced anyone knows for sure. Eat right and don't miss any W/Os. Works for most but not all.


Mentzer even covered this. The amount of protein you need to build new muscle is minuscule. As with anything else you don't get a faster effect from extra consumption beyond some minimum threshold. Only time to plug in the odd shake or steak is if progress is slowing. But if you're 3 years in it will do anyway


I see Mark on the right there has taken comments from the haters to heart, and lost some weight


"I just started working out, what protein should I drink??"

"Uh...what do you eat throughout the day?"

" protein powder is gonna work the best?"

"Yeah...wHaT dO yOu EaT?!"

The supplement industry has ruined a generation of potential athletes. Buncha skinny-fat, or inflamed and sick people walking around with big biceps.


whey protein also comes from milk, not just casein.. btw, both are milk protein


Got an ad for clothing that hides fat peoples rolls before this video
