Follow the Rhino Trail @travelmate273

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Polokwane Game Reserve


This is One of the few game reserves located in or near a Cities. Polokwane game reserve is about 4kms from Polokwane City near the famous Peter Mokaba Stadium which hosted the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. Inside the reserve is the Rhino Trail which one of the many lovely walking trails in Limpopo Province of South Africa.

The reserve is home to Antelopes and has a variety of Bird species.

On this day, the 24th of July 2021, i went to hike at the reserve together with my opposite neighbor, Nemadodzi. We were set to do a 21km Rhino Trail. Do not worry about the name of the trail, there used to be Rhinos at the park, but they are no longer available, the Authority decided to relocate them for safety reasons after the high number of reported cases of rhino cases in the Province (Limpopo).
There are no dangerous Animals in the park except for illusive, shy leopards. I have never heard of someone who met or saw them before whilst walking. Maybe because they are mainly nocturnal Animals. It was my second time doing this trail. It is worth noting to say that the reserve does not offer a walking guide.

The day was cold but the weather was ideal for hiking. We started slow but ended at a higher pace because it was getting dark. The honest truth is that we started late with the trail and the winter days are short. The Sun was going down fast also because of the

The trail was mainly flat with short clear bushes. We were greeted by rabbits and antelopes droppings along the way. We walked and talked as we head deeper into the reserve. One could start to breath fresh air from the bush with no toxins from harmful city polluted gasses from burning fuels. I started to feel one with nature again.

The first animals we walked across were the two beautiful Impalas. They were grazing few meters away. It didn't take long for them to slowly disappear into the bush. I could see the excitement from my neighbor 's face. It is always good to see animals from their natural environment with no boundaries between them. He was my jogging partner and i recruited him to his first hike. He looked amazed by the beauty of nature but happy.

We walked further and the next thing we saw was a monument of Tom Naude (One of the first Mayors of Polokwane - then Pietersberg).
We took it easy and the trail gets exciting with each step we take. Just around the curve in the bush, less than 5 meters away is a big, beautiful Nyala. The Nyala was nicely camouflaged behind a thorn tree. After a quick glance, we moved away quietly allowing the antelope to graze in peace. The best was yet to come.

As we approach the Dam, we saw a colony of Marabou Stock, they were going about their daily chores. We were lucky to see them in a colony. I heard that they don't normally go in groups, unless if it's mating period. I am not very good in birds, however, one could tell that it was an important gathering of some sort. The birds looked big and beautiful, next to them were some Impalas and a solitary Sable looking towards us from a distance. Animals are always alert of their surrounding, maybe because anything is possible in the bush, you either eat or be eaten, you stand your ground or you run away. I believe that animals are always weighing their survival options towards their enemies.

After a while we came across a wide huge flat Rock with a lovely panoramic view. We stood there for a while and took as many pictures as we possibly could. That is what i loved most about the beautiful natural landscapes in the reserve. I took many pictures. The Big Rock was our trophy for the day. I remember taking some panoramic pictures of the huge flat rock against a beautiful blue and white horizon background. It was so amazing.

We saw a Tower of Giraffes towards the end of the trail. They were about 10 in numbers.
They were very close to Us we had to take more pictures and allow some of them to walk across the trail before we could proceed with our walk. Giraffes are very interesting Animals.
Tall as they are, They can Kick with all their four legs. they browse on leave on sweet thorn leaves. their maturity is mainly determined by people based on the colour of their skin. the darker colour symbolizes the old mature generation of Giraffes. Yes, it is normal for them to walk in groups. This helps them with early warnings and protection against other animals.

The trail is marked 21kms but at the end when we checked the distance on our devices. We had done about 16kms. We used the trail as it was marked all the way.

Generally, yes, the trail is refreshing and it is also good for the beginners, nature, wildlife, hikers, MTBs and trail runners.

You Must love Nature to walk this trail..
You do it at your own risk. no guides are supplied by the reserve

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