Comfrey Salve (how to make for topical use) For arthritis, back and joint pain, old injuries, etc.

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Comfrey is one of the most powerful natural remedies known. It has been shown in peer-reviewed, scientific journals to be beneficial in arthritis, back pain, sprained ankles etc. People have even found benefit to old bone injuries and even frost bite neuropathy. We had a friend write us yesterday who tried it this week on a rotator cuff injury and within one day was feeling better. Have you ever tried it out personally?

Comfrey Salve from our friend Sofia

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A few things that are suggested by researchers-
- Don't use on broken skin,
- Use no more than 10 days a time,  
- Don't use more than 4-6 weeks total in a year.
- Don't take internally.


Comfrey propagation: Years ago I had a comfrey plant for medicinal purposes. My dad ran over it with a roto-tiller to clear that land area. I was so mad. Until Next year I saw that it turned into around a dozen comfrey plants. 😀 It's called root division. ;-)


I've been using comfrey over 40 years and know it to be most beneficial for "many" physiological problems. I am an herbalist who has used and continue to heal naturally whenever possible, as opposed to pharmaceuticals.


In parts of the UK we also know comfrey
as knitbone.


I was pounding a ground rod in the other day and missed the rod, slamming the post pounder onto my big toe. I don't believe it was broken, but it sure was smashed! I put on a comfrey salve (made from a recipe just like this) and even though the expected horrific bruise came out, by the second day most of the pain was gone and the bruising is going away fast.


I fell down a flight of stairs and shattered my ankle and tibia 13 screws, a pin and a bar were needed to put me back together.One of my friends who had recently immigrated from Mexico brought me a bag of comfrey and told me how to use it. My surgeon was impressed with how fast I was healing. I told him what I had used and he called it an old wives tale. Silly man.


I was in an auto accident a couple of years ago breaking both my legs and my dominant arm. I had pain while visiting my daughter in my legs and as I was in another state pain meds/ insurance/ MD orders were major hindrance to say the least! My daughter had the comfrey plants in backyard! I harvested the leaves, put them in a bag, beat them and once pulverized I grabbed the saran wrap and put the poultice on my legs and wrapped my leg covering the poultice with the saran wrap. Worked so well I brought 3 plants back to my state and this year I am pleased to say the comfrey is growing well. This year I plan on making salve! The poultice wrap works wonders better than any OTC med that is for sure! Should have listened to those farmers earlier!


My husband had swelled knee and behind the knee. He had surgery on the other knee for torn meniscus. I used powederd comfrey with water as a poultice 3 days later all cured. Never hurt again 🤗


I suffered for nine months on and off crutches with a sprained knee. Four doctors, including a specialist, could not help me. Comfrey cream cured my knee in 48 hours!


Thanks so much for this video & for sharing your recipe! I've just started learning about Comfrey & how wonderful it is for chickens (leaves) AND for the soil. I guess it has quite a taproot & brings up lots of nitrogen for other nearby plants to benefit from. God's creation is AMAZING!


This is the only video I've found that actually uses the comfrey powder in the salve, instead of infused oil. I always wonder how much of the insoluble (in oil) goodness of the comfrey is left out by straining the oil, and why the whole dried leaf powder is not used in other recipes. I will be making this one! Thank you.


As a wildlife tech, I'm exposed to alot of hazards. I've been using comfrey for everything from bug bites, scrapes, poison ivy blisters, and sun burns. It even healed a super stubborn cartilage piercing that refused to heal on its own (mostly coz i kept snagging it on things accidentally!) I swear on this stuff, it's amazing


I love hearing this. I have a comfrey patch among blueberries in my backyard. I, too m, ake a salve and sold it in a coffee shop for a while. People that use it swear by it and use it often. I also make it for a few massage therapists who use it on injuries in their practices. Others think: maybe I need some VapoRub or a Tylenol. Unsurprisingly, you Can't convince everyone to reconsider pharma !


I used this on a dog's suspicious lump near her toes...we covered with salve and a bandage..we checked two days later and it had started to dissolve the Lump..we repeated again and next time we checked it had nearly disappeared..after a week there was no sign of what ended up being some sort of tumour 😊


What a sweet young women. I grow comfrey for my wonder they are so happy and healthy!


I love comfrey and hope and pray that more suffering people find it. Appreciate the simplicity of your recipes


Praise God comfrey root oil gave me back my ability to pray on my knees again, the pain was like electricity up my legs. The key is twice minimum daily use and now today 4 years later I only use it 2 to 3 times per week once a day...
God is so very good caring for us out of His Pharmacia of Creation, amen 🙏🕊🍇


My sister made a comfrey drink with garlic & tomato juice for my husband after a large soda machine fell on his ribs at work. He added tobasco for flavor. He drank 6oz twice a day and after 3 - 4 days he was back working pain free. Amazing stuff.


Back in 1978 we were living on a mountain six miles from the nearest school bus stop, so were home teaching our kids except for twice a week when we took them down because we felt it was important that they get some ‘socialization.’ Picked them up from school one Thursday and the six year old had a scrape on her wrist, didn’t think anything of it (this was before we knew that schools didn’t do anything with cuts or scrapes). Touched her on Sunday and she screamed, looked at her wrist and she had a red line going from the scrape to a sack under her arm. Didn’t have a phone so went down the hill to a neighbor who had one, called the local ‘hippy doctor’ (only doc in the area). He said to put comfrey on it and bring her in in the morning. I had no idea what comfrey was, but the neighbor grew it for his rabbits and gave me several leaves. Not knowing what else to do with it I put a leaf over the scrape and wrapped gauze around it. Checked it an hour later and the leaf was black and wilted. Put on another one. When I put her to bed, I put the rest on. Checked in the morning, the red line and sack under her arm was completely gone. The comfrey had drawn out all of the poison. Have grown comfrey ever since, won’t be without it.

Mom had arthritis really bad in her back and neck. After we discovered comfrey, she started drinking one cup of tea every day for her arthritis (didn’t cure it but she could sure tell the difference in the pain level if she didn’t take it). Took about a week before she started noticing a difference. Took it every day for 30 years before she died of breast cancer at 84 years old, never had a problem with her liver. I think the key is moderation (as in all things but people need to decide what’s best for them and not take chances if they aren’t comfortable with it). I make a sun tea with dried comfrey and mint (sweetens the drink) and will drink a cup once or twice a month when I notice arthritis stiffening up my fingers.


I had hip surgery 5 years ago to repair tore cartilage. I have been taking kratom ever since to help mitigate the pain. Though it works well it has other potential side effects that I’m not keen on. I am just about out and was not going to buy more but the fear of the pain had me worried I’d just go back to it. The pain and the week of hardcore withdrawals. Your video came with impeccable timing that can only go to show the Lord is with us. Thank you for the information and hope. All glory goes to God.
