Memphis May Fire - Legacy

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Chances to move mountains are few & far between, but only unseen by those who choose them to be. Live every day like it's your last chance to be heard & seen, because the good die young & the great change the course of history. Stop blending in & start speaking out! You'll never know what you can do if you don't try now. Lift up your eyes discouraged one. Keep moving forward until your battles have been won. They say you were created to do great things, but words only come to life when you believe. Stop blending in. Start speaking out! Don't miss your opportunity. Do you have the courage to follow your heart? Your life could be over before you ever had a chance to start. Take what you can get while you can get it & don't let anybody stand in your way. If you've got what it takes, make them believe it. They need to hear you from a mile away! They say you were created to do great things, but words only come to life when you believe. Stop blending in. Start speaking out! Don't miss your opportunity. Lift up your eyes discouraged one. When you feel like giving up, when they say it can't be done it's up to you to show them why they're wrong. Lift up your eyes discouraged one. When you feel like giving up, when they say it can't be done it's up to you to show them why they're wrong. Lift up your eyes discouraged one. When you feel like giving up, when they say it can't be done show them they're wrong! What you do is up to you. Follow your heart & you will never lose. They say you were created to do great things, but words only come to life when you believe! You were created to do great things, but words only come to life when you believe. Stop blending in. Start speaking out! Don't miss your opportunity. Reach for the sky! Nothing's impossible when you realize the strength is inside. Embrace the struggle when it's all you can see. Words only come to life when you believe.
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without this one song, i wouldn't have a job.
without this one song, i wouldn't still be in school.
without this song, i would still be overweight and depressed.
this song and band as a whole has changed my entire perception on life. thank you so much Memphis May Fire, i owe you my life.


Not gonna lie. The lyrics hit me hard.


"Lift up your eyes discouraged one" was the very first tattoo I got when I turned 18 and it still means everything to me. I absolutely love it.




fuck why'd I stop listening to mmf? glad they're back in my life


This song is such a beautiful war cry. There's no other way to describe it.


"Embrace the struggle when it's all you can see" goddamn this hits me real hard


Now THIS right here is what music is all about: speaking truth and life into the listeners.


This was the song played during my high school's yearbook presentation the year one of my friends, who was a big fan of Memphis May Fire, was killed. They played it during a picture montage of him.

RIP Timmy.


i dont know how i ever forgot about this band the songs are the best i have ever heard


Your life could be over before you ever had a chance to start.
True dat. I'm not even fully living life how I want to.


my lit teacher showed me this band and i am so happy he did its great


One day i felt like crap and i just felt like giving up. I was going through my songs and this one started playing. It's moments like these that make me truly love MMF, the lyrics really help you and it felt like they were talking straight to me when i needed it. I love you MMF. <3


I was 24 and lost when I first heard this song, dead end job, dead end life. I quickly moved on to other music that summer...

still, I took the lyrics to heart, it's corny that a breakdown, chug fest of a metalcore song can make a 30 year old man tear up but, seeing this pop up in my recommended list, thinking back on the long slow crawl out of the hole I had dug myself... actually hit me so hard tonight.

it's true, if you're doing something for the right reasons... it may not be fun or easy, but it will guide you to salvation. personal salvation, I'm not a believer, but I believe that you decide your fate. if you find yourself lost and discouraged, there is a way out. it's up to you to put in the work.


I'm making my pro MMA debut next month and this song is what I needed I feel the positive energy coursing through me.


Memphis May Fire really composes their lyrics with meaning. That's why their songs are really beautiful and awesome. Not the shitty popular songs nowadays. They really create their songs to encourage everyone who feel down and lost.


This song means everything to me right now.. I want to quit this game we consider life.. but this song gives me hope. It speaks to me and it makes me want to move on from the past.. Growing up is a trap.. Don't wish to grow up. be young and stay young for as long as you can.. Do what makes you happy. Don't sit around and wait for things to happen because they either wont happen or the outcome of what happens is not a pleasant one....


I used "They say you were created to do great things but words only come to life when you believe" in my valedictorian speech last week. This song got me through high school! It will always be a favorite! ❤❤


There is fans like him everywhere, and it's what define music as an universal message.


honestly the best song if you need motivation <3
