Music therapy 🌿Soothes the nervous system and refreshes the soul, relaxing #1

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Music therapy 🌿Soothes the nervous system and refreshes the soul, relaxing #1

🌞 Beautiful Relaxing Music 💝
This is a music channel that does its best to be more peaceful and happy with music. There are no barriers in music so there you are and where this beautiful beat is made for you. Join us on a journey to find inner peace and brighten your day.

Breathing • Relax • Smile

Music has a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, providing a multitude of benefits for relaxation, learning, work, meditation, and even healing. Its therapeutic power transcends boundaries and connects with us on a deep emotional level.

When it comes to relaxation, music has the remarkable ability to soothe our minds and bodies. It acts as a powerful stress reliever, helping to alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of calmness. Whether it's the gentle melodies of classical compositions or the serene sounds of nature, music creates a peaceful atmosphere that allows us to unwind and rejuvenate.

In the realm of learning, music has been shown to enhance cognitive abilities and improve focus and concentration. Certain types of music, such as instrumental or ambient tracks, can create a conducive environment for studying or working. The rhythmic patterns and repetitive structures in music activate our brains and facilitate information processing, making complex tasks more manageable and increasing productivity.


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✔ This video is licensed directly from the artist and copyright owner.
Рекомендации по теме

To whoever is reading this, everything will work out in your favor. May you find more love, peace and prosperity 🍀🍀🍀


With every leaf that falls, we are reminded to let go of what no longer serves us 🍂🌬. Autumn is a season of renewal.


Мне очень нравится слушать эту музыку всегда. Она очень расслабляет и звучит великолепно. Я всем сердцем надеюсь, что тот, кто это читает, найдет счастье и удовлетворение


ما أروع من جمال الطبيعه الخلابة الساحرة


Музыка природы наполняет сердце спокойствием и умиротворением


Magnifique musique de relaxation qui me fait voyager et qui me calme. Merci ❤️


This is a happy video that relieves stress from the comfortable and beautiful sounds of nature, the beautiful grass wind.


Incredible landscapes video and beautiful relaxing piano music and nature sounds. I've liked 💙💙


Lindo demais obrigada por mostrar essas maravilhas


Music therapy 🌿Soothes the nervous system and refreshes the soul, relaxing #1


You are strong,
You are beautiful,
You are whole,
You are confident,
You are brilliant.

It's alright to be afraid,
It's alright to cry,
It's alright to be angry,
It's alright to be worried,
It's alright to be yourself.

You are here now,
You are here for your own sake,
You are here to heal,
You are here to grow,
You are here now.

Time only exist inside your mind,
You are here now because you're supposed to be here now.
What has happened will always stay with you to make you wise, not to harm you.
You are one with everything and everything is one with you.
Look at your fears, things you're ashamed of, the pain you carry, the lies you told yourself, the guilt you feel and forgive yourself for all of that. Everyone else will have forgotten it but you're still carrying it around, forgive yourself. Don't forget the past, but forgive yourself for the pain you're putting yourself through because of your past. Since you're here I and everyone else know what a wonderful person you truly are and you never have to prove your worth for us, we already know and you're already accepted. Let the healing begin by acknowledging what you're avoiding and forgive yourself for it, one thing at a time. You're not a bad person, you were just lost and you're on your way home now. Be safe on your journey and acknowledge the strength and happiness the path gave you which made you as wonderful as you are today.
You are here now, that is all that matters, you're on your way home now.
You are here now.


Perfect background music for meditation and relaxation. Love it


Such a great video for relaxation ! Enjoyed watching your awesome video 😊


Природа матушка родная просторы без конца и края давайте это все беречь любить и с этим в мире дружбк жить🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I could listen to this on repeat for hours.


أحيانا نحتاج إلى مثل هذه الموسيقى للتأمل لكن علينا توخي الحذر عندما نتأمل
لنفكر بشيء جديد نسعى لتحقيقه ولندع الماضي مدفون بذكرياته دون محاولة منا للتأمل بس فاسترجاع صفحاته تلو الأخرى سينقلنا عبر الزمن نحو تلك الذكريات التي سنشتاق لها ونحزن لغيابها بشكل حزين عن عالمنا علينا أن ندرك أن التأمل الذي يحتاجه الإنسان هو ليس التفكير بما حدث ؟ ولماذا حدث ؟ بل التأمل يعني الإسترخاء والهروب من كل القيود التي حرمتنا من الاستمتاع في هذه الحياة
أنا أؤمن بقوة الإنسان حين يتمكن من ضبظ مشاعره وأحاسيسه ويحكم المنطق فؤ موضوعاته لكن ما أخشاه هو ذلك الحزن الذي يضعفنا شيئا فشيئا
لذلك دعنا لا نسمح بانتصاره علينا وإن كانت كل حياتنا خيبات فحتما هناك نور في نهاية المطاف
لأهل غزة السلام لنتعلم جزءا من قوتهم وصمودهم وثباتهم
دمتم بود وبراحة بال
