Common Startup Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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Review the most dangerous mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them.

Starting a business isn't easy. There are so many things to manage and poor initial decisions can hurt your potential for success or cause your business to fail, especially when it comes to investor interest and ultimately funding. We will review the most dangerous mistakes entrepreneurs make and how best to avoid them, focusing especially on market validation and team composition: the “horse” and “jockey” that investors will focus on when they look to invest in your company.

Event Speaker
Dr. Richard Creager, Business Consultant, SBDC @ UCI Beall Applied Innovation
Richard Creager has more than 30 years’ experience in In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD). He was the SVP Molecular Diagnostics and Chief Science Officer for Beckman Coulter. He also served as Group Vice President for Beckman Coulter’s Immunoassay Business. Richard is a partner in IOI Partners, a management consultant firm for IVD and biotechnology companies. Dr. Creager also held senior executive positions with Kallestad Diagnostics and Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur. Previously, he served as chairman of the board for Medical Alley, a 501(c)3 non-profit trade association of healthcare companies in Minnesota. He currently serves on the board of 1for2 education foundation and OnRamp Bioinformatics.

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Event Sponsor: SBDC @ UCI Beall Applied Innovation

Whether you’re looking for guidance with starting your new tech venture, obtaining angel or venture capital, or looking for SBIR/STTR assistance, we’re here for you!

The SBDC @ UCI Applied Innovation is a resource for any high-technology, high-growth, scalable venture from both the Orange County and UCI ecosystem that needs assistance with business planning, business development and funding-readiness. The center hosts several VC and Angel investors on site, as well as various ecosystem partners and industry professionals who work closely with the entrepreneurs.
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Thank you so much for this information! My company just got invited to submit a full proposal to the NSF, and this video has given me a lot to think about. This channel is so awesome, and the information given is so incredibly generous and appreciated. You guys rock!!!
