I Put The Top 10 SGs in NBA History In The Same Draft Class...

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After you finish this series you should put the number one guy from each sim in a draft class and see who ends up as the goat of goats according to 2k


Do a finals preview but the warriors and celtics get the best players from the teams they have beaten, eg kd giannis kyrie and Jimmy all with the celtics and Jokic and luka etc on warriors.... prob would’ve been better doing it with final 4 but still a cool challenge. The teams have to have beaten the players team so for example warriors don’t get cp3 and dbook because they didn’t beat them


favorite part about these career simulation series is imagining the storylines and narratives that would be flying around


Kenny, you should try The Perfect Rotation Rebuild
- Must have a 10-man rotation
- Must have two players at each position (positions can be changed)
- Each player has to play 24 minutes
- Win a championship
Bonus Try to get each player to average 10+ ppg.
Good luck!


You should put all the created goats(Zach Hendricks, amari love, Trent Franklin, Sheldon hart, Dwayne Neal, and Dusty Knox) in one draft to see who has the better career


When Kenny does small forward, power forward, and center he should do all positions versus each other to see which is the best position of all time. Thank you for the likes


Kenny: I’m assuming it’s Reginald
Ray Allen: It’s Walter…


Reggie and Charles Barkely haven't given their rights to 2k because they don't give any monetary profit to players. Not that they're greedy, but Charles Barkley in an interview said for players like Latrell Sprewell who are worse off post-basketball, giving their rights to a rich videogame company should reimburse them and those players in need


I love that Tmac got number 1. The career we all wanted him to have!


I love how he don’t allow Lebron to retire so casually 😂😂


you kill me with the way you simcast games bro 😭😭 regardless love the videos 🙏🏼


Coming back to watch this video on 9/26/22 and seeing Donovan Mitchell on the Cavs before he was traded in real life made me smile as a Cavs fan. If only I knew back when this first came out that this would really happen soon.😂😂


Hey Kenny, love your videos! Had a video idea. Get the top 10 all time players from each position, and put them on the same team with their positions. For example, the point guard team. Simulate through a couple years and see which position was the best. Keep dropping bangers!


kenny should get the “dream players” trade list from his other channel and put it in 2k to see how it would play out


The Space Jam Rebuilding Challenge:

Hey kenny love the vids, been subbed since before 2016. You should do this challenge, because of the new Space Jam movie.

1. The leader (Lebron/MJ) - Get a player that is a 93 or above, if you could trade for lebron try your best.

2. Granny - get someone with experience and veteran leadership, someone who has played in the league at least 15 years

3. Bugs Bunny - Someone who likes to play basketball the looney way, get someone who is flashy, a player who is flashy with deep threes like trae young or a player who can get posters like Ja

4. Road Runner - get someone with supreme speed, a guy like De’Aaron Fox, at least 88 speed.

5. Lola bunny - Someone who is another leader and an already established star, get your second star by getting a 86 or above

6. Daffy Duck - since he was a coach in the new movie, choose a player that is an on court coach, someone who is intelligent on the court with others. At least a 75 basketball iQ

7. Wile E. Coyote - Since he duplicated himself in the new movie, choose a player who has a sibling in the league, like the morris brothers

8. Yosemite Sam - Since he had his pistols and shoots them, choose a player who can shoot, someone with at least an 87 three point rating

9.Tweety - SHORT KINGS STAND UP, get a player under the height of 5’11

10. Gossamer - Someone big with height, get a player at least 7 foot, 250 pounds

I wasn’t able to get everyone on here, but feel free to modify to what you think, btw Fantasy draft and run a 10 man the whole season with every player. Hope you like that challenge. I created this on day of space jam release, hope you guys like it


At 20:45 you said Vince was the first to make a all nba team but the season before Jordan made one


9:37 the funniest thing about this is not only do they respect each other but they also got into the same team in the one video u did where u put all the mvps in one draftclass and now they are also on the same team in this vid


This video so poetic it’s like everyone landed on a team that would be super interesting, ie; Bron back with Dwade, Kobe & Giannis connection, AI & JA. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


“It is Derrick Rose!… u lookin a little different”
Im crying


ppl posting their ideas for videos, but no one talking abt that larry nance shot after an intense simulation😭
