From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap00 /

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From Circle to Hyperspheres, when Tonnetze go 4D.
Scenario here : (updated 2013/02)
Intro :
Only the title of the movie
2013 :
The Saga contents now two episodes
The First one was premiered in Paris Ircam Centre Pompidou , June 2011
The Second one was premiered in Montreal, McGill University , June 2013
Scenario here : (updated 2013/02)
Intro :
Only the title of the movie
2013 :
The Saga contents now two episodes
The First one was premiered in Paris Ircam Centre Pompidou , June 2011
The Second one was premiered in Montreal, McGill University , June 2013
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap00 /
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 04/09
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 08/09
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 01/09
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 10 Odd Isometries
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 15 HoS Views
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 03/09
From Circle to Hyperspheres Chap 07/09
Construction of the Hypersphere of Spectra
5D hypersphere
Proccessing + SuperCollider + Tonnetz
Tompkins Teaches Tonnetz (one)
Aprile Reloaded
The Windmills of Your Mind: 2D and 4D Visualization of descending fifth chords progression
731 VC
Graphidrons: 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D and 6D symmetry puzzles
The Sheppard-Risset Effect
Sims - Build Mode 5 - Tonnetz visualization
Team Tonnetz at #AudioHackSF - MIDI isomorphic keyboard for iPad
Fabrication-aware Design with Intersecting Planar Pieces