Diameter of a Binary Tree - Leetcode 543 - Python

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0:00 - Read the problem
1:35 - Drawing Explanation
12:45 - Coding Solution

leetcode 543

#tree #diameter #python
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It's half the length and still covers everything.


Alternative mathematical approach: It made a little more sense to me to return 0 for a Null node. In doing so, you don't need the + 2 in the updating of the result. You are essentially accounting for the parent edge in different ways. I found this approach to come a little more naturally to me, so I'm posting in case it helps anyone!

def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:

def dfs(root):
nonlocal diameter
if root is None:
return 0
left = dfs(root.left)
right = dfs(root.right)

diameter = max(left + right, diameter)

return max(left, right) + 1

diameter = 0
return diameter


If you are new to Data Structures and don’t understand recursion concept in Trees, don’t worry. I used to be like that until I find this channel sometime ago. White boarding is a must practice to understand Trees. Watch as many videos as possible. Later you can worry about the code. It will be that one snap of a moment you need to wait for to realize that you understood Trees. I had that snap of a moment. Don’t give up. We are Engineers 👩‍💻 👨‍💻


In what universe is this an "easy" problem?


I think this problem deserves an update. The way you explained it is pretty complicated. It's way more intuitive to simply count the number of edges.

class Solution:
def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
if not root: return 0

diameter = 0

def dfs(node):
if not node: return 0
edges_l = dfs(node.left) if node.left else 0
edges_r = dfs(node.right) if node.right else 0
nonlocal diameter
diameter = max(diameter, edges_l + edges_r)
edges = 1 + max(edges_l, edges_r)
return edges


return diameter


This one is quite difficult, do you think it should be labeled as medium?


I found this explanation quite difficult to follow, especially around 8:19, when NeetCode starts talking about "convention" to make the math work. The solution works, yes, but I am left a little dissatisfied with the overall explanation as it is still quite unclear. I don't seem to find this convention being used in other problems, but maybe that's because I haven't done enough of them yet.


thank you. The tricky part of this problem is the -1, +1, height, diameter. So many tutorials just take them for granted and offer no explanation, but you did an amazing job talking about the whys. Bags of thanks!


First of all, thanks for this fantastic channel! However, for this problem I find the following code way easier:

def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:

def traversal(root):
nonlocal max_d
if not root:
return 0

left_d = traversal(root.left)
right_d = traversal(root.right)
max_d = max(left_d + right_d, max_d)
return max(left_d, right_d) + 1

max_d = 0

return max_d


The arithmetic is unnecessary: if we return 0 in basecase and set diameter = left+right, the solution is still the same.


I felt I could easily get so confused by this tricky -1 counting algo... later I found out another alternative which seems more clear to me is to just use max() to include both cases instead:

def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
ans = 0
def longestPath(node):
if not node: return 0

left = longestPath(node.left)
right = longestPath(node.right)

nonlocal ans
ans = max(ans, left + right)
return max(left, right) + 1

return ans


I think this solution will be a bit simpler to understand

class Solution:
def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
def dfs(root):
nonlocal res
if not root:
return 0
left = dfs(root.left)
right = dfs(root.right)
res = max(res, left + right + 1)
return 1 + max(left, right)
res = 0
return res - 1


Great video! One question, why you use list type global res? why cannot you just use res=0 ? Thank you!


Out of so many videos, this is the first time that I think my solution is more clear and self-explained. :).

// Notice that when the tree is like a triangle, its maxDiamter is just left tree height plus right tree height.
var diameterOfBinaryTree = function (root) {
* Returns the height of a tree.
* A tree with a single node is of height 1.
function getHeight(cur) {
if (!cur) return 0; // The end of tree, height is 0

const leftHeight = getHeight(cur.left);
const rightHeight = getHeight(cur.right);

const curDiameter = leftHeight + rightHeight;
maxDiameter = Math.max(maxDiameter, curDiameter);

return 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);

let maxDiameter = 0;
return maxDiameter;


The core idea for this issue is pretty much the same as the Hard problem max path sum(lc 124),
for a node, we have two options,
1. split
2. no split

if we split at the current node, we'll have to calculate the path left -> current-> right.
In contrast, if we don't split we'll have to return the max path the current node could return to its parent.

Hope it helps


Don't feel bad if you can't understand this solution, it's messy and unintuitive. There are much better solutions out there!


I cracked at 'The leftsubtree is left right'


This explanation and code is wayyyy better than the one on GFG... Thanks a lot!! ❤


I made use of the maximumDepth problem to get the depths of the subtrees of a node, added them to get the diameter wrt a node. Then recursively called the diameter function on the left and right children and returned the max of the three. I felt this made sense to me from understanding standpoint. Putting my code for reference.

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
#find the depth of left and right subtree from each node. Sum them to get the diameter wrt that node.
#recursively call the same fn on the right and left child to get the same.
#return the maximum of the three i.e., current diameter, diameter of right child, diameter of left child.

def depth(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
if not root:
return 0

right = 1 + self.depth(root.right)
left = 1 + self.depth(root.left)

return max(right, left)

def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
if not root:
return 0

rightdepth = self.depth(root.right) if root.right else 0
leftdepth = self.depth(root.left) if root.left else 0

dia = rightdepth + leftdepth

return max(dia, self.diameterOfBinaryTree(root.right), )

Hope this helps!


Creating a list to store the update result is so inspiring.
