Pollution and Future Generations: Willa channeled by Darryl Anka

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What you put out is what you get back, so if you’re putting out concern and fear and worry, you’re going to get back vibrations that are like that and reflections that reinforce those states.

Willa Hillicrissing is a hybrid being living on earth 700 years in the future. For more information about Willa, see link:

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Early this year, in my spiritual group of 11, we did a meditation to 'heal' Gaia.
Our practice is that when we return from the meditation, we then share/discuss what we experienced, saw, felt, etc. - as we learn from each other, etc.
I decided to be the last one to share....

So....moments after I went into meditation and began to speak to Gaia regarding her lovingly stopped me and said "I AM FINE" (plus some beautiful images - and felt such Love).
As the only one in my group who is a follower of Bashar, only I received this 'particular message'.
I understood and recognized that in my Reality, Mother Earth - is 'Fine'.


Bashar just put a Liberal in her place, but I do not think it will really change her position.


She is just agreeing to whatever he is saying lol no one has the balls to say they don't agree to him when he channel.
