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Hey Y'all Hey! In this video, I read the lyrics of the most popular Hip Hop and R&B artists per God's request. As always, I pray you are blessed AND entertained by this video. Thank you for watching and please don't forgot to SUBSCRIBE! :)


Ezekiel 28:12-15

“You were the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;
Every precious stone was your covering:
The sardius, topaz, and diamond,
Beryl, onyx, and jasper,
Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes
Was prepared for you on the day you were created.

14 “You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
Till iniquity was found in you.

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Passcode: JESUS2022


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And these are only a FEW artists that are demonic. If I listed everyone, the video would be 2 weeks long! 😩

The Lord just wanted me to highlight a few of the major artists and emphasize READING THE LYRICS! He said the beats are so captivating that people overlook what is actually being prompted in the song.

So, If you are wondering about a particular artist that I didn’t mention, DO NOT ASK ME! Please pull up the lyrics and you will have the answer. 🙏🏽

(Also, I should have included Chris Brown in this vid because he’s def not with God. And He needs much prayer! 🙏🏽😪)


When I was a little girl, I never understood why my grandmother was so strict about not allowing worldly music in her home. You couldn't even pull up with loud music playing in your car. She listened to gospel music all day long, and we weren't allowed to watch music videos on TV. Now that I'm older and she's in heaven, I thank God for her wisdom. I understand what she meant, and God has revealed a lot to me about the music industry. Nothing on earth is so important that it's worth risking your place in heaven.


I stopped officially listening to secular music years ago. However recently, I had felt pressured to put on a secular song when I was with my cousins bc they aren’t Christian (really lukewarm) and I regretted it instantly. I’m learning to do this Jesus walk unapologetically. He’s worth walking with and living for! Nowadays if the music or tv isn’t feeding my spirit I don’t want it! I don’t even go on social media anymore and it can sometimes feel isolating bc I don’t participate in a lot of things people our age do….but like I said Jesus is worth it..the safest place to be is in the Lords will..period!💯


“They don’t need support they need Salvation.” AMEN


Here's a rule of thumb for anyone wondering about what they're listening to: If the music you listen to glorifies sin, it's no good. Give it up and ask the Lord to help you to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Charity Gayle has a great album. SBN music is amazing. Hope this helps! ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥


Cardi actually said at one point that it bothered her that her music is activating demons but she never stopped making new music. We need to be standing in the gap (praying) for her. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Jesus is probably shedding so many tears over these people's music, they are breaking his heart. God didn't create us to act like this.


I’ve wrestled with sexual sin for many years. I want to make the right choices & repent of that sin. But whenever I listen to Doja Cat or Chloe Bale… my thoughts always go to sexual sin & I just know my choices are close to follow. It’s like I envision myself as some vixen. This is confirmation for me that I need to disconnect from listen to secular music & keep my thoughts on things of God.


I love how you are not tearing down the people, but instead asking for prayer for them. The Lord tells us the who the true enemy is.


Some of the christian artists music has demons attached as well.


Satan’s children are getting bolder and more bold in the last days, Satan knows his time is up.
2 Corinthians 4:4
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God”


I remember years ago, I used to like lil uzi. I got to the point I would listen to him all the time. Then one day, I heard an audible voice command me to turn it off! “ Do not EVER listen to his music again!” So I cut it off. And every since then I’ve felt compelled to obey this. And thank God bc he has been exposed for being a self proclaimed devil worshipper. I thank God for telling me to stop, he saved my life


Even the Soundwaves...the beats...goes to your subconscious mind to make you feel lower, evil vibrations. I'm so glad I found my way home to Jesus ❤


I used to be obsessed with Beyoncé back when I was 14, I knew all her lyrics and all her songs but then one night I had this dream. In this dream her face his changed into “Sasha fierce” her alter ego. Anyways her face changed to some demonic skeleton and she was ice skating with a wip in her hands singing and wiping her audience. I’m 19 now and I REFUSE TO LISTEN TO BEYONCÉ. My friends think I’m weird because I don’t listen to her but since I had the dream I can never. Every time her songs come on I turn it off quickly, and I haven’t seen her face the same since I had that dream.

I literally had to sit down and listen to the words in her songs to understand that this lady is really DEMONIC. “Drunk in love, lemonade, etc” very demonic


Did you know that a few years ago I did pray with Megan? She was very receptive and touched, let’s please keep praying for her. The Lord loves her and always has, and has sent people to her. Let’s keep praying!


31 one year old woman.... I never wanted to have kids because i was afraid to lose one. I now have five beautiful babies. Growing up my family and friends wanted me to go to american idol... Music was my life. All i could think about was singing. Ive been free from secular music for a while now. I only listen to Christian music. Hallelujah My God! Thank you! I still have a lot of work left to do in my walk with JESUS!❤


I cover the blood of Jesus around you from the top of your head to your feet, your family, home, vehicle, finances, mind, and anything attached to you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Every tongue that attempts to rise up against you shall be condemned.


Thank you for posting this video! I struggle with secular music and I’m called to be a worshipper. It’s so hard but I’m going through my playlist now and deleting songs that have no business being on my phone. Most of them are songs from highschool before Christ but sometimes my playlist is on shuffle and my flesh wants to jam out lol. But I want to go deeper with God and to lead God’s people through spirit and truth. The Lord been calling me to go deeper and to sacrifice secular music to go deeper. Pray for me for I know the Lord is speaking! God bless you Woman of God! ❤


My mom passed 5 years ago and i decided at that time I would give up listening to R&B to cover myself from depression, despair and any other feelings that would come my way. Since then, every now and then an old song i liked would play in my head and i would listen to it. One day i was listening to New Edition's "N.E Heartbreak " and at the end they sing " Beware of N.E. heartbreak
Spreading fast and there's no cure
No need to run from heartache
It's gonna get you, get you for sure". It seems innocent enough, but the Lord showed me that it sounded like a chant. I havent listened to it sense and now if i try to listen to R&B songs i quickly get bored and those old memories that are tied to those songs no longer interest me. I enjoy gospel songs that are uplifting and praise God (because not all do), nice jazz, and every now and again and oldie. I just wanna praise God in every aspect of my life.


Holy Spirit revealed the power of secular music and its demonic influence to my brother and I years ago. Neither of us stayed on the straight and narrow, but I paid attention. I did not stop listening to all of it, but I knew some had to go. We were teenagers in the late 90s and early 2000s when hip-hop started to shift in a different direction. I remember my brother saying he was listening to a particular rap song and started smelling weed. That's when I knew it was serious. Thank you for sharing and obeying Holy Spirit.
