GIN Spirit Kite Review - How does it compare to the SOUL?

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Let's take a look at the Spirit - GIN's all-around free ride foil kite made for adventure. In this video we cover the technical details of the kite as well as give it to our friends to compare back-to-back with the Flysurfer SOUL. How does it compare? Watch the video to find out!

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Amazing job on the editing with footage accumulated over a year, different seasons, and different locations!


Good honest reviews, most of the reviewer's comments sound spot on. I have recently started using a Spirit 8m and 6m to replace my aging Peter Lynn kites and I'm very happy so far. I find them powerful for the size but they do need a bit of flying finesse to get the best out of them - overly easy to stall in the turn. Relaunchability is great even after the kite has been in the water for quite some time, the material seems pretty water repellent. Love the fast inflation and overall stability once in the air, the only thing on my wishlist is a bit more depower. Find myself getting pulled off the edge quite easily compared to my 'softer' PLs.


Hello, Frederic from Dubai. I am in Toronto today only and beleive I have seen the spot where you make all those fantastic videos. Next time will make sure I stay one more day to meet you. Pity flying back today cause those days windy. That's it, just wanted to say hi. Enjoy this weekend ride.


Thanks for putting the GIN Spirit on my radar of foil kites :-). I really liked hearing the different views and comparison with the Soul. I actually flew my first foil kite session (Ozone Hyperlink v3 11m) yesterday on the Atlantic (Praia do Areal Sul, Portugal) in 1-2 m waves in 11-12 knots wind - and it was incredible even if slightly underpowered. My 17m LEI Ozone Zephyr would have lost line tension and stalled (love my Zephyr too but not for waves). My point is that your video is more than relevant now that I have caught the foil kite bug :-)! I have to try the GIN, Soul and Sonic too!


Nice job guys! Really captured diverse input....and didn't show my crashes 🙂


I'd love to see a test/review of the Gin Marabou2 12m in ultra light wind.


Good points, after one year riding the Gin Spirit 12, I could find it very stable and solid, also more playfull than the Soul. Only cons is the relaunch after 30min swim: water evacs are smaller than the Soul’s so it’s harder to relaunch


My first foil kites were a couple GIN Eskimos (snow and land board), I loved them, GIN makes really high quality gear. Like Ozone, they have their roots in paraglider design and it shows. I think they dropped the ball a few years ago when they had no North American dealers (there are a couple I know of now, at least for the snow kites). I agree with some of the other comments - I choose FS over GIN because of all the details. I would have loved to see a water drop test (how long does it take to deflate, how long before it drowns). Great video as always!


I would also love to see a Kitech FRS test, great kite, and (at least in Europe) a cheaper option vs Flysurfer / Ozone etc.


Great video, thank you! :)
Gin should be half the price of soul, because resale value of these smaller brands is nothing compared to ozone and flysurfer


Nice review indeed. got the Sonic 3 in 9, 11, 13m and the Spirit 15m and must say that the Gin has a enormous high end. Sonic has an amazing hangtime and lowend but it can turn into a monster quickly. Tips folding seems a trademark for the Sonics 😄. dont get me wrong! Love the Sonics above all kites. The Gin comes very close. No wingtip folding or backstalling like a FS sometimes whilest low wind riding. I dont mind the colourscheme for what is top or bottom, just pay attention. Bridles tangled shouldnt be an issue because previous Flysurfers didnt have coloured bridles also. just take youre time. Great kite, super stable, amazing highend, more user friendly. IMO


The spirit is clear sportier, more powerful and turns faster than the soul. I never had any issues with untangle lines ☺️


I always wanted to ride a foil kite, but here in Brazil this type of kite is much more expensive than an inflatable kite. That's a very nice video by the way


Nice video, thx for it.. Put in test else for next time KITECH FRS 12m2 Ultalight - it is very nice kite too.


Thanks for this kite review. I love my Soul2 10m and my Sonic 15m and I dont think I will replace them Hahahahhaha


Good vlog with lots of comparison points! I have a Gin Spirit 12 since 2021 and can relate to many of your riders comments. A very stable and smooth kite with power when needed and simple relaunch. Had a minor threading issue after 10-15 flights where a part of the canopy needed Re sewing but otherwise the quality is good enough for an amateur. Would have liked a bag like the soul is provided with. I also have an old flysurfer speed 4 lotus. Hard to compare but a very nice kite to fly although a bit more demanding. Still only use TT, not foils.

Would you consider testing Gins Shaman single skin foil kite vs the flysurfer equivalent (peak?)? In Sweden have met a few kite surfers who kite with the peak with foils.


Thanks for review!
I liked on the video most of the time the way Gin Spirit flew. But ... color design is not good. It's difficult to understand where is a trailing edge and where is a leading edge. I prefer symmetrical design.


After Gin Spirit another interesting less known brand foil kite to review should be Kitech kites. They are very beginner friendly and have less bridles than Flysurfers.


Good review. Flysurfer does make great kites, however, I have been doing alot of testing, and the GIN kites are superior in all aspects. There is no comparison in durability and performance. Whatever you choose to ride ditch the pump kite, and join the foil kiter familiy!


Nice video ! You should try Kitech kites from Hungary.(made by Attila Károly) Also its very nice soft (foil) kite!
