GESAC Webinar - Creators & online platforms: in search of a balanced relationship

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The full video of a webinar that took place on 18/11/2020, hosted by GESAC, featuring: Angelique Kidjo, MEP Axel Voss, Giuseppe Abbamonte (Director, Media Policy, DG CNECT), Alban de Nervaux (Ministry for Culture, France), Tobias Holzmüller (Chair of GESAC Legal Committee, General Counsel GEMA), MEP Laurence Farreng, MEP Iban Garcia Del Blanco, Anna Herold (Head of Unit, Audiovisual and Media Policy-EU, DG Cnect), Ricardo Castanheira (Portuguese Permanent Representation), Jean-Nöel Tronc (CEO of SACEM and President of GESAC), and moderated by Isabelle Szczepanski.
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