Regenerative Organic Agriculture: Financing the Future of Food While Saving Our Planet

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Agriculture is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, and yet it also has the greatest potential, with the right farming methods and resources, for preventing the worst effects of climate change, drawing carbon back into the soil, conserving water—and reducing pollution. As a consumer, citizen, professional, or business owner, what can you do to help? As a farmer where and how can you find the necessary financial support and consumer demand?

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Yeah i agree with you but the problem is that people talk so much but do so little. watching videos and feeling sorry for the world will do nothing. here are a few things we could change, in our personal lives, which make a massive impact:

1. switch to renewable energy
2. stop buying and using plastic bottles
3. same goes for plastic bags
4. go vegan. (if that's too hard, go vegan for a few days each week. sounds dumb but makes a massive difference.)
5. save electricity. (turn lights off when you leave the room. don't leave your phone on charge overnight. turn plugs off at the switches AND take the plugs out.)
6. save water. take shorter showers. wash dishes manually instead of using a dishwasher. (unless of course, your dishwasher is new and more efficient than washing hands manually)
7. take public transport / walk more / bike / do car shares
8. don't waste food.
9. maybe try growing your own fruit/vegetables. or - get your produce from a farmer's market.
10. products with palm oil are MASSIVE no-nos.
11. plant a tree :)
12. maybe the most important: USE YOUR VOICE!!! try and influence the people you know, sign petitions, write to your local mp, whatever you can do to make a difference. people really underestimate what their voice can do. even if you manage to persuade your friend to stop buying plastic water bottles or stop driving their car to a shop 5 minutes away, it makes a MASSIVE difference.

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Lots of poor audio. It sounds like you are in a tea shop with clinking China.
The finance guy made no sense as ever is the case with financial types
Its very middleclass idealistic waffle. People buy on price. This will remain as the case because we handed our money to bankers and this destroyed much of the future job roles. The USA has the most unequal society in the world according to IMF reports. Most people not in upstate New York etc can't afford organic and are too busy at the casino, or taking oxycoton outside Walmart.. Chefs here buy food from discount wholesale. If chefs don't respect food and rarely see farms there is little hope because chefs dominate food media with gluttony. Most of my US friends eat out all the time, so their food comes from denny's etc.
Cotton is used in productions that don't match the fact it might have been grown organically. White cotton t shirts use hideous amount of water and chemicals un monitored largely in near third world nations, shipped miles on the back of practical slavery. Beer uses lots of water to make one pint in return so this is a failed offering too, growing hops etc is a hobby..
The best thing to happen is we stop farming and allow the land to recover without our help. It won't feed us but it will restore a balance currently missing.
You have no chance your political types in the USA will restore fair land prices or force climate damaging business like that of Monsanto, oil companies, tractor manfactuers to stop taking money over health while they are on a payroll..
The USA are starting wars all over the place as ever you have which blows the waste from Ag in to a topped hat. Ask the people of Hawaii how much damage the military have done to the island while you thank them for their services daily like drones. The percentage of people participating in regenerative agriculture, which is a middle class code phrase for not farming like a dickhead, is no where near a critical mass and has no hope of happening within a global time frame, esp while financial idiots are part of the program and assholes like Mike fat belly Pompeo is trying to save the dollar by bombing the third world.
It's hard to say anything against the idea of better food and fairer land practice, but it's become a mantra that means nothing, just as we are rasing standards in
