Sesostris: unheralded Conqueror Senusret III the Great 2019

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Sesostris: Famed Hero and Egyptian conqueror that reached well into Europe, leaving a few colonists, above the Phasis river and the famed Colchians that Herodotus says he realized were Egyptians himself before they both confirmed it, and he indicates its not by skin and hair, for many surrounding peoples look the same and have curly hair, but thier unique linen style and circumcision practices... and we now know that this King was Senusret III: who also conquered Nubia up past Heh, and set a New Boundary for the Invading Vile Troglodyte Nubians of the area... denoting they shall not pass!
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Sesostris: Famed Hero and Egyptian conqueror that reached well into Europe, leaving a few colonists, above the Phasis river and the famed Colchians that Herodotus says he realized were Egyptians himself before they both confirmed it, and he indicates its not by skin and hair, for many surrounding peoples look the same and have curly hair, but thier unique linen style and circumcision practices... and we now know that this King was Senusret III: who also conquered Nubia up past Heh, and set a New Boundary for the Invading Vile Troglodyte Nubians of the area... denoting they shall not pass!
and werent even allowed into Egypt...


Woah underrated video, you deserve way more views!


Europe: named for a Phoenician Princess... Europa...
Africa: Named for a Whyte General, and means Motherland of the Caucasians....
Egypt: named by Greeks.... and Kemet means Black soil, a name for the Farmlands...


theres a Pic of me in here, Im the Blue eyed one....


So I was uploading 8 videos to my new channel today, they were videos I had under my old now banned 7p7 account. I was uploading these old videos as as "unlisted" so they had not yet been made public. They issued a warning on an UNLISTED video! Some heavy-handed you-know-what is watching my every move at YT!!! It was a 1:30 minute video, with mostly fast paced images timed to the music and a little text. They will issue a warning on a video not yet public. And this was a video that NEVER received a warning or strike ever! I never even received any strikes, only one warning before taking down my previous account. I keep appealing but they started to ignore my appeals.


Min 35:46 black goo like found in the Tomb of Osiris similar below ground placement as well. Great video by the way!


People that follows diop afrocentric conpersy theory love to miss read what Herodotus said.


Can you send a picture of a map of Egypt's borders during the reign of Sesostris?


Radio1 showed up to Whine about Truth and the Fact that his people werent involved, again...SMH.


The middle part of his name is the Was scepter or pronounced User, with a hard U.


Ecumene : Greek term for the " Known World"....


When it shows the Ostritch: the music is missing: Lollly lolly ... LOL
shades off, to show the Blue eyes of these Ostritches.... Non Negroid Ostritches too!


In my book "HERODOTUS : THE HISTORIES" Herodotus states:
.... But it is undoubtedly a fact that the Colchians are of Egyptian decent. My own idea on the subject was based first on the fact that they have black skins and woolly hair and secondly, and most especially, on the fact that the Colchians, the Egyptians and the Ethiopians are the only race from ancient times have practised circumcisions.


I believe that Sesostris occupied the Levant, Iraq, Ethiopia, Libya, Persia, Anatolia, parts of Eastern Europe, and part of India.


German Institute for Archaeology -excavation of the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-West, Upper Egypt. In several of the noble specimens:
"The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin as expected for specimens of Negroid origin."
(Determination of optimal rehydration, fixation and staining methods for histological and immunohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues", Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13)
Nubians are no "prequisite" for dark skin in ancient Egypt.


Wow! Diodorus supposedly says...."Sesostris worshipped Serapis"...?! According to gatekeeper Wiki. That must be a recent entry because I don't remember that at all, from my research quite a while ago into Sesostris.
As much as our bs gatekeeper history wants this (and other Egyptian history of conquests far from their mainland) story to hopefully disappear and as they try and confuse this history beyond you want to put Sesostris in the 4th, 12th or 19th dynasty...(confused history 101)...even the latter still has him about 1000 years prior to the invention of the ridiculous Greco (actually Macedonian) god Serapis. Lol.
not sure how you spread the worship of something that is still 1000 years from its invention. Lol. Good one Wiki.
I've quickly fact checked this with the unmolested writings of Diodorus on the same topic and its nowhere else to be found. Lol.


Why do you keep digressing when comes to blacks being majestic or being viewed as conquerors of various lands.Are you racist?


Your pronunciation is horrible for someone educated in America. English is your first language so when you are introducing foreign name with American accent you expose your ignorance. Hopefully we can all read, so you are reading from Wikipedia is silly, simply because you have not practiced your reading with frequent mispronunciation showing your ignorance. Fact #1- Egypt started as a miscegenated society between Ethiopian or Nubian and Assyrian or Asiatic. So there is no white/black conflict. They were mixed from the beginning. You spoke of early pre-dynastic tombs. These were in fact NUBIAN. So the origin of Egypt is Nubian (negro).
Fact #2- There were two governments . Upper Egypt (NORTH) with White Crown and lower (South DELTA) with Red crown. Sesostris is famous for centralizing the govt and wearing the double crown.
Sesostris by conquering Nubia made them part for Egypt for over one thousand years. It was not until the Greeks invasion that Nubia was separated from Egypt.


German Institute for Archaeology -excavation of the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-West, Upper Egypt. In several of the noble specimens:
"The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin as expected for specimens of Negroid origin."
(Determination of optimal rehydration, fixation and staining methods for histological and immunohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues", Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13)
Nubians are no "prequisite" for dark skin in ancient Egypt.
