Is it possible to get pregnant after a tubal ligation?

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Many women who have had a tubal ligation in the past might end up missing a period in the future and wondering, "Am I pregnant?" The chance of having a baby after a tubal ligation is less than 1%, so that means that it's a little more than 99% effective, but there is a very, very, small, remote chance out there that pregnancy could still happen. I've been a Labor & Delivery nurse for 10 years, and I have seen a couple of patients over the years who have gotten pregnant after having a tubal. It's possible. So if that day comes when your period should start, and it doesn't, then you should take a test just to either rule out or confirm that as the cause. And if it's positive, call your doctor right away, and let them know that you are pregnant, but have had a tubal ligation. The chance of ectopic pregnancy is very high after this, or having a pregnancy growing in a place other than the uterus. And it will probably make your doctor want to check you out as soon as possible, and rule this out.

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I had a baby after tubal ligation. God had a hand in it. 🙏😁🙏


Yes indeed it is. If you still have another intact fallopian tube you can. I had three normal full term live pregnancies after mine.


Hi I am a 27 years did my tubal ligation last year due to complications throughout my past 3 pregnance but I regret it because my husband to be want another child after getting married right now I am confused looking for anyway to make it possible can you help me😥😥


I had tubal ligation 6 years ago and it was my 4 child n I had an emergency siezure n it was da 1st becoz all my births was normal n last minute I told da doctor to close my tubes after baby came out n before dey sewed me up I signed da papers n dey didn't explain me wat all was done n how long it's Gona this month I missed my period after 6 years....I'm only 34 years old now n was normal da past 3 months my period was Very little n last month it was less n dis month i didn't get it.... before I go to doctor i decided to check online n I found nurse I'm not sure maybe my cycle is changing or wat I don't Wana go to doctor so soon I don't like hospitals as it is here in South Africa where I live da hospitals n nurse n doctor's don't do dhe work's hard to find a good doctor here n dey never explain wats da problem dey jus tell me to sign papers n dey give Rong medicines...i really can't afford private doctor....but I will wait n see. But I do also no my body very well. Before anything happens I can feel n I can tell...but I just wanted to know wat kind of tubal ligation dey gave trying to find out more....thank u nurse Dani....helpful info.


can I ask something..if I'm tubal ligation...if having chance to get baby again...if my tubal ligation his like. Cauterized ..., , tied and cut...., , clipped


I got my tubes tied two years ago. Every home pregnancy test that I have took has been positive but when they check it’s negative. My period was late but then came on. I took a test after the period went off and it’s still positive what should I do now?


I need some advice. I'm reading so much on tubal ligation I wanted to get cut, tied and burned but a lot of doctors are saying they don't do that anymore but I've known more women who have had it done and had no issues compared to women who have only got cut and tied or clamped. I also was reading that it causes painful heavy periods, early menopause, hormone changes, kills off your progestin that makes your health go down hill, can make you really sick, makes sex painful, and other nasty stuff. I wanted to know your honest opinion as a nurse because my husband wants me to do it after I have this baby in march and I'm terrified of if any of this stuff is true an if its worth it to do it. I just really need help on this one because I am ready to be done having kids after this one because this is baby number 6 and I'm going to be 32 soon but I'm scared this might be a bad choice but I'm not getting real answers on it.


Okay so if someone has been pregnant after a tubal will they actually have a baby??


Hi, can u answer me to some questions please, next Friday i'm having cesarean.

Does the tie up tubes or cut piece of tubes hurt along with cesarean? I do both surgeries at same time.

Tie up tubes (using rings, using clips) or cutting removing a small piece of tube, what's the best to choose for being more safety and not to have any health problem e.g.headache or etc? Advantages and disadvantages?

3 months or more I'm not allowed to have sex after having the tie up tubes surgery? How will I know if the this surgery has worked, dr is gonna check it out?

Is the success rate lower having this surgery along with cesarean?

For having this surgery along with cesarean will I still have spinal anasthasia?

Thank u indeed!


I also tubal ligation.but now I want to get pregnant again but how?
