C Programming Tutorial 100 - Conclusion

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Great tutorial. I thought the humor really kept me into it. I always feel like I lose interest in tutorials and it is difficult to finish them out, but your presentation was great overall. More specifically, your voice is pleasant to listen to over 100 videos, the video length was great for breaking up the lessons, the audio quality was great, and even the music at the end was a nice touch that was stuck in my head in a good way. 

As always, there is room for improvement. I would say that through this series, the camera focus was a little distracting on some videos and some chalkboard instruction went off camera, but none of it was a deal breaker because the content was excellent. Also, it would be neat to see some project recommendations, if you have any, to put all these skills together into a small project. 

Lastly, thank you, Caleb, for the great work here and I look forward to using your channel to further my education as I already see several other tutorials that I'm interested in.


Bro, what a course! You're changing my life, seriously lol. Everything from presentation to your examples were awesome. The only thing I saw myself wanting more of were review/quiz videos like there were earlier in the series. Other than that, I loved the series. A loyal subscriber, and I also am going to be watching all of your other videos and playlists! Keep Going! You really ought to invest in some YT advertising. You're a likable character, so I think it would attract a lot of traffic to your channel.


Caleb I watched all 100 videos. Thanks a lot for doing it. I’m going to start on your crash course now. For this series You went slow and in great detail in the beginning but then sped up and rushed towards the end. I wish you would have continued with your detailed explanations at the end like you did in the beginning


I finished my mission " To make sure that I LIKED all the 100 videos in this tutorial series "..
I done this to show you how useful your tutorial videos was for me. I really enjoyed watching, so much so that I literally double checked all the 100 videos to make sure that I LIKED every videos..
Thank you so much..I wish you all the best and keep up your awesome work..


I'm teaching myself C and I've watched the whole series now. You are a fantastic teacher and I've learned a ton. I really like how you introduce a topic on the chalk board and then walk through some specific examples in later videos. Your approach to teaching is extremely approachable and thoughtful. Thank you for all the great videos!


I loved this series based on your personality. The chalk board is great visualization for introducing new topics then heading over to the computer to demonstrate. Also I love the cheesy jokes, made me laugh a fair few times!


Hey dude, I know this video has been posted months ago, but I really wanted to let you know how much your series has helped me in my life. For the past several years I have gone back and forth with programming because for some reason there were things I just couldn't seem to nail down. I decided to try once more and AM BEYOND THANKFUL I crashed into your channel. You flipped perspective on so much and genuinely helped in a way I have not been able to find elsewhere online. THANK YOU


Thank you so much Caleb, you’re a life saver. Watched everything today and enjoyed it all - I loved the casual and laid back tone you took with things, and the cutaways to the blackboard helped to formulate concepts of stuff. The ~5 min length of each video helped make things feel digestible and made me feel like I’m making progress. Thanks again.


I'll admit, I only watched this series because my university went online for Covid, and this was our replacement for in-class lecture. Still, it helped get the idea across in a clear and consistent way, most of the time. The one thing that seriously stood out to me in a large number of the vids was that the end music started up before you were done explaining. A few times, that really messed me up, because you were saying something super important, and I couldn't quite make it out over the music. In general though, very well done!


yo, I just finished it. I wouldn't change a thing about the way you did it. there's a couple of things you could be more clear on, but frankly you are by far the clearest instructor I have found so far. keep it up.


i just finished the series and wanted to leave a thank you comment here. i really liked how you explained every small detail. the way you teach is so fun and makes following the lessons easier. thank you for being an amazing teacher and spending effort for this videos. have a nice day.


dude this was incredible. I watched all 100 tutorials and learned so much. Would love to see you create a more advanced playlist of videos for C that would help us practice creating more complex programs and maybe even some challenges where you could post an assignment and show how you would create the program yourself. Great work my man thank you!


Not a Native of the English language here, no previous knowledge, but you helped me so much with these 100 videos.
The last couple of videos were rushed a bit I found, but other than that I have nothing to complain.
I miss Onyx btw. =-( dont say it passed away please.
You are fun to watch man, Again thank you very much for all You've done!
I wish you all the best!


Thanks for the series - would love to see more advance stuff; e.g File I/O, GUI programming, Mouse programming, etc


Great course! I finished in three weeks. Thankyou so much for making this for free and keep doing this awsome job!


I watched this whole thing and aced my intro to computer engineering class. Going to watch your c++, and your music's theory videos. You are awesome, thanks man


I’ve never learned so much before, (in regards to previous attempts learning a computer language) Thanks!!! You’re one rad dude 😎


Hey man, thanks for the tutorials I watched all 100 tutorials
Just more quiz and advanced wats to use c programming
Then I wanted to know the best next programming language to learn after c programming as a beginner. 🤗🤗
Thanks alot


Thank you so much for making this course! The 100 videos covered everything that was in the first 5 weeks of my CS class (in a far more clear way than my lecturers were able to convey). I will definitely use your channel if any more of my classes' material overlaps. And I have absolutely no complaints about the way you taught this course, keep up the good work!


I just finished my first year of comp sci and have to redo one of my projects in august [17 days lol], i just watched all 100 episodes of this [and worked with them in Dev-C++] and I feel more than ready to get that done now. Thank-you so much man, you taught me more than my lecturers ! :) lots of love dude
