Jdbc | Sql Jdbc | Why Jdbc | Database Connectivity | Java Tutorial In Hindi -20
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JDBC(Java Database Connectivity):-
It is an API in java by which we can connect a java program with database.
DDL(Data definition language)—create, rename, truncate
DML(Data Manipulation language)-insert, update, delete
DQL(Data Query Language)-select
DCL(Data Control Language)-grant, revoke
TCL(Transaction Control Language )-commit, save point, rollback
When we are installing any database after installation every database provide following facilities to store the data –
Ques- Using API-How many ways are use to connect java programming language with database-
1-Using Vender Specific API.
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Firebase Tutorial No-6 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-1 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-2 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-3 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-4 URl-
Write program url using Firebase Database-
Sqlite database tutorials part-1 url-
Sqlite database tutorials part-2 url-
Storage option url-
Internal Storage url-
External Storage url-
Shared Prefrences url-
Spinner Url-
CustomListView Url-
ListView In Android Studio Part-1
ListView In Android Studio Part-1
ListView In Android Studio Part-2 With EventHandling
ListView In Android Studio Part-3 With EventHandling
How to Install Java Url-
Download my you tube channel Android application from here-
GridLayout url-
TableLayout url-
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java Basic Java Tutorial for beginners
Basic Java Programming for beginners
It is an API in java by which we can connect a java program with database.
DDL(Data definition language)—create, rename, truncate
DML(Data Manipulation language)-insert, update, delete
DQL(Data Query Language)-select
DCL(Data Control Language)-grant, revoke
TCL(Transaction Control Language )-commit, save point, rollback
When we are installing any database after installation every database provide following facilities to store the data –
Ques- Using API-How many ways are use to connect java programming language with database-
1-Using Vender Specific API.
Stay tuned with me for more upcoming Videos,
don't forget to subscribe my YouTube Channel and share your valuable comments in Comment section down below, i'll be happy t o help you all, your Surya ☺
To download JDK click in this link:
To download Android Studio click in this link:
Download my you tube channel Android application from here-
Firebase Tutorial No-6 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-1 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-2 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-3 URl-
Firebase Tutorial No-4 URl-
Write program url using Firebase Database-
Sqlite database tutorials part-1 url-
Sqlite database tutorials part-2 url-
Storage option url-
Internal Storage url-
External Storage url-
Shared Prefrences url-
Spinner Url-
CustomListView Url-
ListView In Android Studio Part-1
ListView In Android Studio Part-1
ListView In Android Studio Part-2 With EventHandling
ListView In Android Studio Part-3 With EventHandling
How to Install Java Url-
Download my you tube channel Android application from here-
GridLayout url-
TableLayout url-
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java Basic Java Tutorial for beginners
Basic Java Programming for beginners