Bald Faced Hornet Nest Removal In less than 10 minutes, DIY How to take out Wasps no pesticide.

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A friend contacted me and asked for help with a Bald Faced Hornet nest that "appeared" in a tree next to his driveway.
His granddaughter had just been stung while riding on her tricycle and that's when they discovered the nest. They had been completely unnoticed until then.
So, I went in at night and removed the nest. I simply double bagged them and brought them home.

***I am not a pest removal service, not a PRO, I simply know about venomous insects and respond to my friends if they are threatened.

1) Can you relocate a hornet/wasp nest? Yes... just zip attach the nest branch (leave branches in tact) to another tree that is far FAR from where people trod.

2) Are these actually "hornets"? Nope, they are just wasps and there is only one "true hornet" in the United States and that's the European Hornet. They are all in the wasp family.

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I took one down out of the neighbor’s tree last year after there were several hard frosts, let it hang in the garage for a while. It now hangs in my sunroom. That queen from that hive must have liked that spot, because there is another nest almost on the same branch. House sold, so I asked the new neighbor if it was bothering him. He said no, so he’s going to leave it for me to take down after the hard frosts. They are a work of art!


It amazes me how many people seem to think squirting them with a hose or throwing bricks at the nest is the way to get rid of them lol! Great video. Simple easy way.


You are amazing sometimes. You took care of that in no time. And did it so safely. Just Outstanding... good job for sure.


You have to give them credit for their engineering abilities.


Excellent videos! Before air conditioning some houses had structures on the roof with operable windows called belvederes. They utilized the chimney effect to move air through the house for cooling. I notice the holes in this nest at the top & believe you said they were for ventilation. Are the hornets using the chimney effect like houses with belvederes did? It must get insanely hot in a nest in the Summer. I've never seen a closed nest like this in Texas, only open nests. Are hornets tolerant of extreme heat, or does it not get as hot in the nest as I'm thinking? This is all quite fascinating!


Happy Monday Mr Dunn! We watched this during breakfast this morning and all agree that you give us the best start! Very enjoyable lesson!!!!


Fred this is how I found you from your last bald faced removal video😁


Good stuff Fred. Generally when I'm farting around looking for a "target" and not wanting to use white light, I use a red light since many creatures either can't see it or aren't bothered by it. Perhaps, as an experiment, you could try putting a red lens on your flashlight. Just a
🇦🇺 🍺🍺 🐝🐝


Great job Fred! I still like your flame thrower, lol.


Nice job. That is exactly how I thought it should be done, but I've seen people spray and spray, etc. I found a huge one like that once when I was walking someone's dog through a cemetery. I had been walking right under the tree and never noticed them until one day. Glad I never got stung. I didn't know what they were until I later looked at my pictures that I had taken. I let them know and they said they'd take care of it.


They definitely hit like a bullet! My folks have 40 acres in NE Washington State and when I was a kid, these bloody pests were thicker than yellow jackets. Thanks has since reversed, but I remember the first time I got hit by one of these! I thought my friend had accidentally hit me with a steel ball bearing from his sling shot... Nope, Bald Faced Hornet...
Great video Mr. Dunn!!! Not as satisfying as watching them burn however! LoL!🤣 but very quick removal.


Thank you for the advice. I took one down last night in not such an elegant fashion 😂 including the flashlight part ...uh Ja there was a lot of words and sprinting


Excellent video. Are the wasps able to sting you thru the protective gear? Can you provide info on where to buy protective gear? I would like to start beekeeping and just learning...


Thank God we Don't have Paper Wasps Mr. Dunn...🇱🇨👊👍....You Too have a Great weekend...


Thanks for this video, Frederick. Watching this a few times gave me the confidence to handle one of these that my kids spotted near their playground. Took it down at 2am; they're in the freezer now.

Two questions:

1) You mentioned drying the nest out... is there anything special you do for that, or just hang it somewhere?

2) Do you know if chickens will eat the larvae in here once they've been frozen and thawed? Or will they only eat live larvae?

Again, thank you. I really didn't want to use chemicals, so I'm glad I didn't have to.


Chances of relocated queen being able to ensure new hive next year are low??? Maybe you really wanted to have a neat empty hive to display. Better than a blow torch though.


I love your method here! Do you have any advice for removing a nest from vinyl siding? I am worried that scraping the nest off of the wall will be more disruptive to the hive than clipping a branch -- also difficult to position a bag around it. Any ideas are appreciated.


I just discovered large nest in low branch tree close to house. Every place i called just sprays nest with chemical and then will come back 48 hours later to retrieve nest. I want someone to do this. Im worried spraying chemical will kill other beneficial insects in area and worst yet anybfrogs/toads/skinks in landscaping underneath tree. I know in few months they'll dievftom cold but meanwhile im terrified to mow anywhere near tree because don't know if vibration will provoke them to attack the way it does yellow jackets. Know anyone in central Delaware that removes nests the way you did in this video?


Had a nest near our back door. The hornets were swarming all over the door and I was afraid one of my young children might open the door and we’d have a big problem. Couldn’t wait for pest control. I got the hornet killer and emptied the entire can into the nest. How scary it was to watch them come pouring out of the nest. However, I kept the stream perfectly aimed at the entrance to nest. The hornet spray did it’s job and after the can was empty you’d never believe how fast a 50 year old could still run to get away from the few survivors. Never doing that again but it did work. Thankfully I managed to not get stung. Pest control came the next day and there was nothing left for them to do.


When the wasp make their nest deep underground. How can they breath?
