Responding to the Transgender Moment: How to Speak Truth into Culture

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*"Can a boy be 'trapped' in a girl's body? Can modern medicine 'reassign' sex? Is our sex 'assigned' to us in the first place? What is the most loving response to a person experiencing a conflicted sense of gender?" How has the scientific evidence surrounding sex and gender become politicized?

Ryan T. Anderson, author of the book, "When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment" joins me to discuss these topics and take your questions live!

*From the book description
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This is an important topic that is very "difficult" for many to discuss. Why? For the same reason that any topic now is being designed to call questioning people racist, sexist, close minded, ignorant or somehow biased. I feel there is a very nefarious and intentional agenda here and our children are victims. Our children are under attack in every way.


I have listened to this and thanks for sharing the details of what is going on. I guess Amazon decided it is ok to put the book back on, since it is presently available.


Thank for this very informative, thoughtful explanation of this issue. We are living in a culture that even judges basic facts, science, statistics and calls the " messenger" hateful names. Please, people, "Don't shoot the messenger!"


Yes my daughter will not talk to me. She is non-binary but also claims she is trans. I am conservative christian abusive just because I believe the Bible. I told her I except her because I knew God was the only way she could change.


I know women that felt ugly in their own skin and that was part of the motivation to transition. Today’s beauty standards are hard to live up to.


Where can we get the Book!, thanks by the way!, Blessings!


It seems that this generation is so consumed with taking down what is female and male and saying there is many more than just those 2 sexes. Which I honestly just don’t understand. No judgment I just don’t understand


This is a great conversation. Lia Thomas, a male to female transgender swimmer on the UPenn's team, comes to mind when discussing trans athletes (M to F) who have a great advantage. Lia smashed many of the former records set by CIS women. Yet, everyone is supposed to walk around and pretend that this is normal and fair when, obviously, it's not. It begs the question, if Lia wanted to transition, why not just finish out her time at Penn as a male swimming on the men's team and transition after graduating? Or if Lia wanted to transition prior to graduation, then, in my opinion, she shouldn't have been allowed to swim on the women's team. She went through male puberty and there is literally no one who can beat her. This is completely unfair to not only the UPenn women's team, but also the entire league. Yet, no one on the team is allowed to discuss this and no one can confront Lia about the obvious unfairness of the situation. Lia contends she did everything right in terms of conforming to the leagues rules, which she did. To me, this one case shows just how much society has lost its common sense when it comes to this issue.


The book God Made Boys and Girls by Machowski was off Amazon for awhile too but is available again. It's a helpful book to read with children


I had a friend who, at the age of 17, had a full surgical and chemical transition from male to female. In her 30s 'she' later regretted her choice but felt it was too late and impossible to revert.


Hi Alisa. I miss your music but I do like these discussions. God Bless !!!


Thank you for this excellent discussion!


The paperback is selling for $118.78 on Amazon now.


One of my two best friends is transgender (M to F). She's 53 and I have known her since high school when she was a male. She felt all her life that she was a female in a male body and started the transitioning process in her early 30s. She definitely feels more herself in a female body. I completely agree that there are people like my friend who should transition, but I think the number is far less than the amount of people who are current transitioning. IMO, no one under the age of 25 should even consider transitioning if it means irreversible change to one's body (puberty blockers, gender re-assignment surgery, etc). I think a lot of young people transition thinking all their problems will be solved if they change their body when, in fact, it only complicates matters in many of these cases. A teenager or even young adult does not have the ability to look into the future and see what their life is going to be like as the opposite sex. One thing that is not discussed often is the amount of work needed on a daily basis in order to "pass" as a female if you're born biologically as a male. Also, the medications you need to take can have side effects. This is a complicated topic that, in my opinion, no teenager should embark upon.


NO ONE is trapped in the wrong body, when around NINETY percent of transgenders want to revert, shows NO ONE is born with these feelings, the adults around the child in one way or another and the childs personality, are the reason for these feelings and this is all it is FEELINGS.


The Father didn't spend time telling the prodigal son he was wrong. He just waited until the son ran into what he realized was a dead end of misery and then he asked the Father for help.


You can’t keep using these people from over 30 years ago if you want to reach today’s use


Yes around 31:something minutes, the guy said nobody committing suicide cause of them being denied to transition or and being bullied for being trans, yeah you are right, why would someone their breaking points after getting bullied and being pushed back lol, gee I can not think of that as being a reason, I mean who would consider suicide if you scare them about hell and make them feel asshamed of themselves! Gee I can not think of anyone who would do that lol. I can not decide which sides is more delusional, the one that scares ppl with hell or the one that thinks I can be a helicopter lol.


Alisa will not respond to me, if she did, it will be with negativity. I am not arrogant but I am confident when I say that I win the debate against idealogues for a simple reason and by simply doing onething and onething only, I put humanity above idealogy, something neither side will ever do.


Actually he said that nothing is reversible when you go on hormones, he is wrong, somethings are reversible actually, somethings may vary and yes, somethings like breasts developments are not reversible. But go ahead doctor dementos, keep preaching.
