Week #3A: Modeling Part 1/3 - Composing Circuit Models from Hill Functions - iGEM 2020 Measurement

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Modeling Circuits with ODEs & Experimental Data
Part 2/3: Relating parameters and data (example: sense-compute-act)

In this modeling webinar (Part II) we will focus on how to use the previously learned concepts to model genetic circuits with ODEs and Hill functions. A circuit that is capable of "sense-compute-act" is used as an example. Then, we will learn how to relate this model with experimental data from this genetic circuit. Finally, we will focus on a more complex circuit, the Incoherent feed-forward motif to compare the results obtained from the model and its experimental measurements, enriching this way the model and completing one turn of the DBTL cycle.

Presented by Alejandro Vignoni
Email: measurement AT igem DOT org

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