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Yes, sir.
So many people interpreting the Scriptures out of context...😅


🗣️🎤🔉🔊📢🎺🌩️💥 .... Louder..GOD Be Praised Forever 🙌


In other words from scriptures, hierarchical submission is only (and very) obligated from a "wife to her husband" and in matters/areas affecting the home (directly or indirectly)

We (male, female) are all created equal in God as such mutual respect and submission required and then hierarchical submission (which is for the sake of order) is "conditional" - in matters outside the home!

Ephesians 5:21-33
Well received Pst Iren


Yes o, there's a big difference between a man and a husband ❤


Let's be clear on something; that a women is not your wife does not mean she should treat you with disrespect, or that respect should be given conditionally. If as a man you have a wife that disrespects other men but respects you, there is no praise you want to sing of her name that it would be regarded as true because as far as the world is concerned she is disrespectful so how she is treating other folks outside will be seen that its how she's also treating you; It doesn't tell well about the woman you married. Even In the bible, most of the women in the old testament that were praised for their good works and character were respectful even to men that weren't their husbands, and that inturn brought more praise to their character(Ruth 2:2-3, 1 sam. 25:14-35, Judges 4:4-9, Esther 4:10-16, 5:1-8, 1 Sam. 1:11). So saying that a woman respecting a man is tied and conditioned only to who she marries is based on a faulty premise because you then mean to say that a married woman can be disrespectful(or choose to be), to other men but can show respect to her husband. There is a saying, "charity begins at home". You can hide that you have respect when the conditions are easy to be respectful but you cannot hide that you do, when they are not. What you have cultivated overtime as good virtues cannot be turned off and on, but rather they will remain as lifestyles and identities that in all your dealings you will automatically uphold. So, when a women is respectful she is respectful, and when a woman is disrespectful she is; she can pretend, and act, or show that she holds respect for her husband but when push comes to shove the true identity will be made known - whether she is respectful, or just acting to be. So let's be careful and guided. let's understand that as woman, you should be respectful not only to your husband but to all men, but Eph. 5:21-27 Just makes us understand that he(your husband ) should be the one whose respect be in the form of submission and reverence to his authority and leadership. That's a different level of respect that all women should acknowledge.


please, what is the title of this sermon?


Honestly, very irritating
I have your type I'm feeding
Its obvious how they treat the poor woman at home
