The Story of Salvation in the Bible | Thinking Through Salvation | Episode 3

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How does the story of the Bible hold and showcase the story and meaning of salvation? In the first of a three-part jaunt through the Bible, we look to the very beginning of God’s story for clues to what salvation is all about. These foundations set us up to look at the whole Bible as one integrated story, pointing to God’s ultimate purposes in and for creation. Genesis sets this up by revealing that creation is a project with a specific intention, and that humans are given a vocation as God’s image-bearers.


Thinking Through Salvation is a 9-episode series from Admirato and N.T. Wright Online exploring what the Bible really means when it talks about salvation and how we can incorporate that understanding into our everyday lives.

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This is really exciting. I slowly get my head around that the kingdom Jesus speaks of is in this world. Through us as conduits of God’s will. Salvation is not in the next world, it’s here when heaven and earth come together. This is a message of hope, not of hopelessness


I have walked with Jesus for almost 50 years having accepted my salvation as a teenager. Every day has been majestic in one way or another but there have been some watershed moments along the way. Encountering N T Wright's perspectives on what the New Covenant is about is one of those moments. Thank you Tom.


The Scriptures are like a circle. Genesis to Revelation Revelation to Genesis. Amen and Amen ❤️ Great teaching Mr. Wright. Thank You


Thank you Thomas, because you have made it easier to understand or grasp the word and the truth.


May the Lord bless you, the series is great.


Hi Thomas, Thank you for teaching us. I am eagerly waiting for these messages about Salvation.


For we know that God works all good things through those who love Him who are called according to His purpose. Rom.8:28


Thank you! I love the Lord, his word and the work in his kingdom so much more because of you and your teachings, dear brother.


The Easter Vigil (Saturday evening before Easter) we hear “Salvation History” through selected readings from Genesis, Exodus, etc all the way to the Resurrection account. It conveys what Dr. Wright is saying here.
Thank you for the reminder about the key role of Abraham. We need to study him more to understand the larger picture.


Wow…this is so helpful and clear. Pulls so much together. Thank you for this valuable series.


my man, always supporting you, from mexico. your an og.


Hallelujah! Glory to God. Thine Kingdom O’ Lord come on Earth as it is in Heaven sums it up.


The single big story, expressed through a photomosaic kind of work. Each little piece is a story in itself; each contributes to the whole larger story.


Thank you for this videos, Tom! May God bless your ministry. We need a Translation of History and Escathology as soons as possible here in Brazil!


YHWH through salvation is saving his creation Amen Hallelujah


💙✝️Genesis 12:3 is expressed through the deeds 💙 shown in Matthew 25:31-46✝️💙


Please explain John 14 where I am you may be also etc.


How come only three of the ten videos are available? I found the first three so helpful and I would like to watch the rest.


God bless you Mr. Wright. I wonder if there is any venue, any preferred connecting point that you would engage with someone who is faithfully watching and learning from your videos. I realize that you can't talk to everyone, but I think I have something to say ~> into your beautifully constructed theology, that you would be very interested in. If there is any forum for communicating with you, could you please let me know?


I like NT's phrase: 'heaven and earth come together'. But I think he's missed the most obvious description of this in Genesis 1 itself. Like Francis Schaeffer does in his Genesis in Space and Time, Tom seems to regard the days as in themselves nugatory. But we know that all scripture has purpose, and a major structuring device as are the days in Genesis 1 has to contain instruction, as per Paul's statement about scripture In 2 Timothy 3.

So, what instruction could the days give?

Most obviously to me is that they place the creation in history and attach it to our 'life-world'. The days are defined (calibrated) as normal days (about which no amount of squirming can avoid). God's tempo of action is the same as our tempo of action: he has, in so creating, entered the history of those who will bear his image and underwritten the creation of his, as truly made (not imaginary or an abstraction) and made in terms of the joint interaction of God's wisdom (Prov 3:19, 20) and its material. God is not a gnostic!

This is the first of the great links between God's domain and the domain of his creatures-in-his-image; it sets the stage/makes the space for our communion with God in the real physical terms of the creation (and thus there has to be a real physical trace of God's real action in real days in our biosphere, or we have platonized the creation! and impersonalized it).

The days show us creation in terms of a dependency structure in the events of each successive day, building to a climax. The dependency structure is not only physical, with energy -- light -- being first made, but theological at many levels.

They also show creation by power: God's word has real effect and material consequences. There is no barrier between God's 'spiritual' ontology and his material creation - our material world and embodied being. He needs no intermediaries to create, nor does he bury his power in the on-going process of the creation, merging himself into the creation as theistic evolution must imply. And neither is he deism's (or Aristotle's) distant and perhaps impersonal 'god'. Again, the grounding of his domain linking with our domain is made.

God's words in history show a rational causality at work. Similar to an engineer today: first a device is brought together in thought, then it is made: only we use intermediate material and mental processes. God doesn't. God's rational causality again places his creation in the real world, unlike the a-historical fantasies of either paganism in its irrational causality or modern materialism.

The creation account (description) finally is God acting as he does throughout scripture: in history by concrete historical acts, events and causes. It creates the context for the theophanies, for the prophets, for the incarnation and is the obvious 'bookend' to which Revelation is the counterpart.

Indeed, in the creation account itself we see the context at work: in Genesis 3:8 God comes to find Adam and Eve, to be in fellowship with them, but sees they have chosen 'not-god' over God at the tree. Alas! However, God will not be frustrated in bringing the final outcome he wants: thus the New Creation, as Tom so eloquently puts it.

Days! God present and active in our history from the get-go; really, tangibly, concretely!
