Selenium Test Environment Setup & Write First Selenium Test Case

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Selenium Installation

Choose Plugins and frameworks for Selenium

Eclipse IDE - Editor - Writing & Executing Selenium Test cases, and Integrating Selenium with other software.

Java - Programming - Writing Selenium Test cases

Selenium WebDriver - Test Tool - Locating Elements in web pages and performing actions on the elements

1. Downlad & Install Java (JDK) Software
2. Download and Install/extract Eclipse IDE
3. Set Java Environment variable path.
5. Download Browser driver/s and instantiate the driver/s in the test cases

Navigation to Add 'Selenium WebDriver' jar file to Java Project in Eclipse IDE

Launch Eclipse IDE
Select Java project's 'src' folder and right-click
Select 'Build Path'
Select 'Configure Build Path'
Select the 'Libraries' tab
Click 'Add External jars' Button
Browser path of the Selenium WebDriver jar file
Apply & Close

Write first Selenium Test case & execute

Manual Test case: Verify Launch Application (Google search engine)

Test Steps:
1. Launch a Browser
3. Capture the page Title

Test Data: NA

Expected: 'Google'
Actual: * After Test Execution

Verification Point: Compare the captured page title with 'Google'

Test Result: * After Test Execution

Selenium Test Case using 'Chrome' driver

//Instantiate 'Chrome' browser driver
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();//Create chrome browser driver object in 'WebDriver' Interface (It launches the Chrome browser window with blank url)

else {

Selenium Test Case using 'Firefox' driver

//Instantiate 'Chrome' browser driver
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

else {

Selenium Test Case using 'Edge' driver

//Instantiate 'Chrome' browser driver
WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();

else {
Рекомендации по теме

Hi sir, i installed the same as per your points, but getting this below error while executing.. Please help me
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
Unable to derive module descriptor for D:\java
Caused by: Provider class org.apache.bsf.BSFManager not in module
