Waterman Phileas

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This is a review of a Waterman Phileas fountain pen in Marbled Green with a Medium steel nib. This is a very nice writing Waterman that is no longer in production. Thanks to a great friend of the channel (who prefers to remain nameless) for sharing this pen.

Paper was a Rhodia lined tablet

Intro: 0:10
Design overview: 0:43
Nib: 3:10
Specifications: 3:24
Size Comparisons: 4:25
Writing Sample: 5:08
Final Impressions: 7:33
Quote of the Week: 9:12

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Рекомендации по теме

I still have a few of these from the 90s. They're simple, comfortable, dependable pens. I always believed they were named for Phileas Fogg of Around the World in 80 Days.


The name Phileas comes from Jules Verne's novel "Around the World in 80 Days". Phileas Fogg was the protagonist in that book. The Phileas was my sole fountain pen for almost 20 years. It has been a stalwart/workhorse pen. I now have a drawer full of them in a variety of colors (one of each that were released) and nibs. They were definitely better than the Kultur in look, feel, and writing quality. My Phileas took every kind of ink that I ever put in it.


My first pen was the Waterman Phileas, which was gifted to me! I now own two, and just purchased a
purple one this morning! Still love the Phileas!!!


I bought my Waterman Phileas and Kultur back in the 90s, if you say that’s when they came out. I thought it was earlier. My Kultur is a blue demonstrator. I’ve loved them both for 30 years or more, and they still write beautifully when I use them.


Loved the review! I found a Phileas a couple of years ago at a Florida consignment/antiques shop, and got it for the son who likes fountain pens. I'll have to ask him how he likes it . . . now that time has made it clear that I'm not fishing for a compliment or thank-you.


Hooray for the Phileas! This was the first "expensive" fountain pen I owned, gifted to me by my father in the '90s. Even with all of the other pens I have acquired in recent months, it is still my favorite for sentimental reasons and also because of how smoothly it writes! You can find them on eBay, used, for about $100.


James I have several of these in my collection and yes they write very smoothly. Just for the info the gold colored trim ring near the blind cap is called a cigar band.
Lord bless and keep up the good reviews


I bought a green medium nib and blue fine nib Phileas back in 90s. Both write wonderfully. Yes these 20th century pens often write better then some of my recently purchased 21st century models. I've been so disappointed in many new models pens made these days.


Although their 1920s nibs are but a memory, the current Waterman steel nibs are invariably excellent, with a distinct 'feel' (words fail me) that is instantly recognisable. Thanks for an excellent review.


I’ve had my two, a green and a red, for some time now. Great writers and still “under the radar “ for collectors.


I'm jealous! I keep missing them on eBay. From all accounts, they're one reasonably priced pen that is just a good writer and worth having. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this pen, and God bless, James!


Thank you! I have one in blue marble...good info!


I have that exact model, picked up from EBAY. I was surprised at the material quality and finish for the price. Mine is a lovely wet and smooth writer. I've just finished a fill of Waterman Harmonious Green- which compliments the pen well. It's a really nice every day writer. An example showing that you don't necessarily need to spend much to find interesting, well performing pens. Thanks for the review.


I love my Phileas black and blue pens. One of the first fps I ever bought. I prefer my older pens to the present crop of pens.


I was going through some boxes the other day and found my abandoned Phileas. I soaked it to get rid of the old dried out ink and then popped in a fresh cartridge. Once the pen hit paper, I remembered why I bought it in the first place. Something about the feel of fountain pen on paper feels...Classic. It's my every day pen with a ball point for official documents.


A very beautiful fountain pen. My favorite is the Monteverde Invincia.


I would really like to own one of these pens


One of my first fountain pens. Always found it too light weight to be comfortable. But is was a good intro to fountain pens.


The pen's name is a tribute to Phileas Fogg, a character in Around the World in Eighty Days


James: Thanks again for a great video.
Waterman Phileas were indeed very popular in the early 2000s. You could find these at basically any office supplies store. Unfortunately, one can no longer find them anymore. Were these discontinued?
