Far Cry 6 - 7 Things You Should Know Before Playing

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Far Cry 6 can be a pretty tough game at first if you don’t have an understanding of weapon builds, gear, and crafting systems. In this video, we’ll get you caught up on the essential places to focus and things you should know to enjoy the mayhem. 

Far Cry 6 draws its systems and inspiration from a lot of past Far Cry games, including many RPG mechanics from New Dawn. The game sports a fairly punishing leveling system unless you know what you’re doing. There’s a lot to learn at first, including gun customization and modding, how to find unique weapons, base building, Amigos, superweapons, and the various crafting systems you need to learn to level your gear. 

In this video, we’re going to focus you on the essential things to know. That includes how to build or find powerful guns, the pros and cons of semi-powerful Supremos and Resolver Weapons, the usefulness of stealth, how to level your initial Alligator pet, what to focus on with base-building, how gear lets you punch above your level, and why side missions matter. We’re also going to tackle how to sort out where to find upgrading resources and how to fight some very aggressive and tanky choppers. 

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Took me a while to find this: if you "Inspect" a piece of gear, you can apply the appearance of any other piece of gear to it. So you can have the stats you want while also having the look you want. :)


Looks good. I don't even have enough time to play all the games I want to play.


Here’s a tip about all vehicles land or air. Use the single shot m79 looking grenade launcher and outfit it with the emp grenade mod it one shot disables and explodes all helicopters and stops tanks dead in their tracks.


This is the first Far Cry game where I have been completely served by a group of 4 or 5 regular enemies. It's challenging and really makes you think outside the box for success. Hat's off to Ubisoft, they did a great job with this game. So much better than Far Cry 5!


I found it hard to destroy AAguns since we dont get many explosive things early on. Just parking a car next to it and setting the car on fire worked amazing for me. Simple but effective trick


Thank you, for these tips. Most of the previews have hinted at these mechanics, but you guys went into detail about them. Some of it might seem obvious, but if you listen, a lot of it is not e.g. how the RPG elements actually work aren't as bad as some are making them out to be IF you know how the system works and what to do to upgrade your weapons & gear.


It’s enough of the same Old shit that makes me love Farcry, with enough New that it’s refreshing.


I'm having fun with it! It's got some crazy details..i love how Dani sings with the radio! I'm using female Dani and i think singing suits her more, she definitely adds to the fun factor 😁


i'm probably gonna stick with the bow again like i did from fc3 to new dawn lol


I found the best sidearm is a suppressed desert eagle with a sniper scope. Its amazing for close to mid range stealth


stealth playing is the way to go, I love sneaking around bases and getting the cool machete kill animations


Loving the Farcry games formula. Release a main game and then a year or two before the next release a spinoff of the previous game with new mechanics. Like Farcry Primal with Melee weapons and Farcry New Dawn with Shield and enemy levels


Far Cry 6, Battlefield 2042, Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite and Back 4 Blood. We are getting spoiled for the end of the year


Far cry, battlefield, and halo oh my


Another pro M133 pump action shotgun is clutch with the 2x muzzle. Big boy damage without alerting an entire base. The Exterminator Supremo is literally the only one worth while almost 20 hours into the game. Choppers and tanks want NO SMOKE, lol Also....explosive rounds on an assault rifle isn't as awesome as you think lol


You can definitely take out chopper pilots but it takes a perfect heady with armor piercing rounds. The little choppers are one shot on the pilot. The bigger choppers I think you have to break the windshield with a few shots first.


I didn’t not anticipate this being my favorite game of the year


The panther is by far my absolute favorite amigo


i am thinking of getting far cry 6 ive never played or had a far cry game before so if i get it this will be useful


a very important tip is to scan cars with your phone to ad them to your collection .... the more you know
