Saturn in Pisces and Transits to Your Moon

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Tips on working with a transit from Saturn to the Moon, with dates and info specific to Saturn in Pisces and transits to the Moon in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

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Saturn is opposite my Virgo moon exact right now. I was searching for a video on YouTube to tell me I’m not crazy for feeling the way I do. I feel so lonely, depressed and isolated. I feel like everyone is abandoning me.
I truly hope this will all pass


I'm in one now and this is the one of the worst times of my life super depressed worried about my mental health nobody wants to be around me constant crying I think I need professional help My father died of an overdose I had my car break down everything I felt during my Saturn return I'm now feeling on my Saturn moon but worse This is the most horrible time ever I don't wish this on my worst enemy unfortunately everybody has to go through it I appreciate your video because I have been wondering what the heck is going on I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel I don't think anything is going to get better I am helpless and hopeless We are so poor we can't even keep food on the table it's the worst time ever


I have my moon at 1’47” Pisces in my 10th and was keeping a new pregnancy to myself while saturn was near it. It felt so refreshing! I absolutely loved it. I felt like I really embraced the privacy. Even boundaries with myself since we aren’t finding out the gender! Saturn will be coming back around when my baby is born and I am excited for further clarity about what my body needs from me.


I am 18Pisces moon, however as soon as Saturn ingressed Pisces I felt the shift in my emotional state. I am taking herbal supplements for mood already and doing light therapy in the morning. Taking good care of myself.


Extremely helpful, especially Saturn hitting my moon in Virgo! I have learned the connection between food in my body corelate to my feelings & emotional well being! Also I enjoy being at home more!


that bad winter in Texas (where I reside) 2021 Saturn was conjunct my moon 12 h-. Then it went to my first house, conjunct my Saturn, and South node, and lost my brother in a fire. It was my 3rd Saturn return. Great stuff Ms Kelly! Thank you!


Saturn Transit over my Moon right now: at 4'56 in Pisces in 10 (Placidus, 9 whole Sign), Moon as the ruler of my ascendant. Distancing from my mother, changing my boundaries, eating habits were waay too strict the last year's so I have to change that, learning to love me and my body more, maturing, .... This Transit isn't bad but I feel I'm acting more in an adult way than before, taking more responsibility for my emotional needs - starting psychotherapy. Actually I think I'm grateful for the transit, just being aware of the time quality right now is helping me to get along with those feelings and thoughts. Great Video!❤


Im happy my moon is in the 5th house in Pisces when i was young i wrote poetry and some music. Now that saturn is within 1 degree conjunct the moon. I just like to stay close to home and nurture myself. Changed my diet for the better


Thank you for this vid❤❤! As I am trying this right now transit Saturn is sitting right on top of my moon at 0.6 degrees in my 3rd house And it’s opposite my natal mercury in virgo in my 9th house. When you mentioned food I thought it was so funny because I noticed a couple of weeks ago I started feeling lethargic after I would consume gluten. I am a Capricorn rising so Saturn is my body ruler. I made the change to a simple diet like water veggies and light proteins and I felt the positive change . I know it sounds so basic but Saturn is the basics at times. The practical. I have never had this issue before and I didn’t know what was going on until I remembered the transits! Right now transit Saturn is triggering my natal T-Square with Jupiter in my 12th house mercury and my moon. :( I’m not really feeling so great 😅! So thank you for the remedies.


Thanks so much Kelly! I’ve got the moon at 14 Pisces (in my 8th house) and although Saturn’s still a good ways off, as soon as it ingressed, I noticed an increase in anxiety around issues of material stability and family. My grandparents suddenly seem more frail and I keep having semi irrational fears that people close to me are or have died. I also discovered that I owed taxes 😅


I have my Moon at 4 Scorpio, and the trine has been so lovely - such a grounding, stabilizing energy, and so welcome after the mayhem that Saturn in Aquarius had been for me. Sending biggest of hugs to all those experiencing the hard aspects now ❤‍🩹


Omgoodness, my life has been a Saturn transit!! Already been through 2 returns and it sitting on my personal planets, now it’s sitting on my Chiron at 6♓️ conjunct my Natal Jupiter at 4 Pisces—currently in conjunction with Saturn, opposite my Uranus in ♍️, T-Squaring my Sun, Moon, Mercury in Sag the 12th.♐️♐️♐️Oh geez! I must’ve said “give me the works, a Master’s Course in Saturn on top of it all! 🪐💞🙃🌟


This all resonates even though my moon is 28° Sagittarius, so the exact square is in a couple years, I also have Saturn at 27° Gemini and I felt this Saturn square as soon as it hit Pisces. Pisces is also my empty 10th house so having Saturn there is really making me look at my career. What you said about 2nd house Cancer was spot on. That's also where my Sun is... I'm really getting my money story spotlighted up close and personal.


Since the transit has started i also feel more emotionally expressive but more able to confront people which ive alsways struggled with. Being a pisces moon i feel like ive allowed people to walk all over my emotions.


Thank you SO much, Kelly. So validating. I was just thinking this morning how different I feel in the last few days. Clearer. Making a decision on my residence and making a plan to create Something at home i've always wanted to. Nature and spending time in the forest was always my solace as a kid and now that's where I live again. It feels so right.
Also, very much loving my hermit Self right now.
Feeling grounded in a deep way.
I have Pisces moon at 05°, so that matches up perfectly. And Cancer is in my 5th house. I finally understand the degrees and a bit about what squares and conjunctions are. Much appreciated.😊🙏☮️🐟🐟🌎


I have the moon in 17 degree in Pisces (12th house) and I have the cusp of the 4th house in Cancer. I'm preparing to contract the building of my first house with the money that I inherited (and by the presence of Saturn over my Moon I think I'll be living here for the rest of my life 😁). I do not know for sure but I feel I'm doing the right thing for this conjuncture. Otherwise emotionally I'm pretty good, even stable, maybe a little indifferent. Maybe it does not affect me much because I'm a man


With my Moon in Pisces at 15º in the 4th House, I felt the Saturn influence already building in April. The Moon rules my 8th House and I spent the first week of May doing an epic "Swedish Death Cleaning" of my belongings, even though I typically don't accumulate much. Since then, I've been in a low grade depression but this too shall pass. My seventh decade of life looms and it feels quite appropriate to be experiencing this now. I'm preparing for the full intensity of the transit in April next year. Thank you Kelly for bringing clarity to this subject. Greatly appreciated.


Thank you so much. I have a 12 degree Pisces Moon and I've been curious about what 2024 is going to entail.


I have moon in my 12th house in Pisces 7 degrees this last few months has been so hard my relationship has broken down my mums health hasn’t been great mine hasn’t either I feel so depleted and vulnerable my physical health is struggling and so tired


Cap Moon here. Saturn transited my moon while I was in a Capricorn Perfection Year, and went into Aquarius when I went into an Aquarius Perfection Year. This has been the hardest 4 years of my life. Cancer in 7th house. A boy destroyed my heart..
